Editor's note

The two main candidates in Kenya’s presidential election have committed themselves to free and fair polls but many Kenyans remain fearful that the process won’t be credible. Nic Cheeseman explains what could go wrong.

In December last year China announced a domestic ivory trade ban until the end of 2017. Some fear this will only drive the booming trade in mostly African elephant horn underground. Ross Harvey explains why an indefinite ban is the only solution - and how game theory can predict its success.

Julius Maina


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Kenya experienced technological failures during the 2013 election. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

Four ways the Kenyan elections could be rigged – and how to stop it

Nic Cheeseman, University of Birmingham

The closer the race between the incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga, the more Kenyans will start to worry about election rigging.

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