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Christmas is a celebration of Jesus -- the hope of the world and the central figure of history.  His birth brought hope out of the shadows and placed it on public display.   The promise foretold long ago is now among us -- living in and through us.  Christmas represents hope manifest -- God’s restorative and redemptive plan for all people.   

The capacity for hope is one of God’s greatest gifts.  Hope in the midst of disheartening circumstances creates a foundation of faith for future God-ordained purposes.  The ability to live expectantly when the facts are stacked against us gives rise to faith…and faith cannot exist without hope. 

The Good News that Jesus announced when reading from Isaiah 61 has particular significance for the downtrodden – “those beaten down by life’s circumstances.”  Regardless of station or status, the harsh reality of calamity can diminish the glow of hope.  Yet, even in one’s darkest hour, the Purveyor of Hope is ever-present. 

Hope Force International exists to confront circumstances that foster despair with acts of unbridled kindness and compassionate action.  The contrast between helplessness and hope is brought into sharp focus as what once seemed insurmountable…becomes achievable!

Thank you for joining us as we partner together with our loving, Heavenly Father in His conspiracy of compassion.   May abundant blessings be yours...have a joyful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Jack and Cherie Minton

HFI Co-Founders