Quarterly update for iwi, hapū and Māori with interests in the energy and resources sector. No images? Click here ![]() Nau mai, haere mai ki Pānui – Energy and Resource MarketsThis is a quarterly update that covers relevant information for iwi, hapū and Māori with interests in the energy and resources sector, and provides opportunities to share your views directly with the Energy and Resource Markets branch. The Energy and Resource Markets branch is part of The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. ![]() Defining Energy Hardship public consultation - extendedMBIE has extended the consultation period as it seeks feedback on its draft definition of energy hardship and wellbeing, and proposed indicators by which it can be measured. You now have until 5pm, Friday 24 December to make a submission by completing the online survey or sending us your submission directly. Information about the consultation can be found on the MBIE website, along with Powerpoint summaries and recordings of the recent webinars that are designed to help inform people prior to making a submission. ![]() Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Act passesThe Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Act (the Act) received Royal Assent on 1 December 2021. New decommissioning requirements for the petroleum sector are now in force along with new enforcement tools for both the petroleum and minerals sectors. The main focus of the Act is to strengthen the legal and financial requirements for permit and licence holders in relation to decommissioning of petroleum infrastructure and wells. Read a summary of the main changes affecting the petroleum sector: Crown Minerals Amendment Act passes – what it means for the petroleum industry The Act also makes changes that apply to both the petroleum and minerals sectors – most notable being the introduction of new enforcement tools. Read a summary of how the Act relates to the minerals sector: Crown Minerals Amendment Act passes – what it means for the minerals industry What does this mean for the Minerals Programmes?As a result, changes are now required to the Minerals Programme for Minerals (Excluding Petroleum) 2013 and the Minerals Programme for Petroleum 2013 to give effect to changes in the Act.
There is a provision in the Act that enables consequential changes to the programmes to be made without going through a consultation process. This is because these are straightforward changes to ensure that the Programmes are aligned with any new provisions in the Act. The Resource Markets Policy team will be seeking Cabinet approval to begin drafting these in in the new year. ![]() Local Innovation and Partnership FundThe Local Innovation and Partnership Fund is a $16.6 million fund set up under the Homelessness Action Plan. The fund is aimed at supporting local initiatives to respond to and prevent homelessness. Applications are now open for round two. In round one a total of $4.1 million was allocated, with 7 initiatives partially or fully funded. In round two of the fund, up to $6 million will be allocated to eligible initiatives that meet the criteria and align with the priorities of the fund. Māori providers, hapū, iwi, community groups, non-government organisations and local councils are invited to submit their applications.To download an application form, or for further guidance see: The Local Innovation and Partnership Fund – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Applications close on 28th February 2022. Subscribe![]() |