Thoughts from Fr Tom Ferguson

Happy Birthday to the Ecumenical Movement!

2010 marks an important anniversary for the ecumenical movement: the 100th anniversary of the World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1910. The conference, as its name indicates, was called with the intention of working our better cooperation and collaboration in the global mission field. This meeting was still dominated by Europeans and North Americans, and was still a Protestant affair, but nonetheless for its time was one of the largest and religious diverse Christian gatherings in some time.

The Episcopal Church was represented by Charles Henry Brent, missionary bishop to the Philippines, and William Temple, future Archbishop of Canterbury, also was in attendance. Brent, and others, argued that cooperation among Christians was not enough – that what was needed was looking at the theological and ecclesiological differences that divided Christianity as well. This call was taken up, and plans for a Conference on Faith and Order were developed, with Bishop Brent taking a leading role.

Though interrupted by World War II, the Conference on Faith and Order would be held in 1927 with Bishop Brent and the Episcopal Church taking a leading role, and one of the eventual results would be the formation of the World Council of Churches.

The Edinburgh Conference is important because it speaks of the way in which mission and ecumenical dialogue have been intertwined since the beginning of the ecumenical movement. The reason we engage in dialogue with other Christian communions is so the world may believe. In this newsletter we have some links to celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Edinburgh Conference, and will be giving updates in the coming months.

I encourage us all to keep this anniversary in mind, to participate as able in the regional events, as we discern where God is calling the ecumenical movement for the next hundred years.


The Changing Contours of World Mission & Christianity - 2010 Boston

The conference in Boston, with the theme “The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity,” will reflect the student and academic character of its setting. This conference will be an opportunity not only to interact with key mission leaders but will also include workshops welcoming student participation at a variety of points, particularly around the leading themes of the Edinburgh mission process.


The goal of the conference is to discern a vision for what might constitute mission in the twenty-first century, a mission that stands in the trajectory of Christian witness from the earliest days of the church and is inclusive of matters relating to human flourishing, reconciliation, faith in the future and conducive of religious liberty.

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WCC News

WCC commends G7 relief of Haiti's debt, asks IMF to follow suit

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has welcomed the initiative by the seven most industrialized nations (G7), which pledged this past weekend to write Haiti's debts with them off. In a letter from the WCC general secretary, the Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, the WCC also asked for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international financial institutions to follow the G7 example and make sure financial support to Haiti is "grant-based and not debt-creating".

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EIR Updates

Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity Faith and Order Communiqué


The Commission devoted this first meeting to developing a vision that gives expression to its mandate. It sees its role as being a communicative and connection-making body which models and promotes communication and connection-making in the Anglican Communion, within a confident and vibrant expression of our shared faith and life, participating by God's grace in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ.

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News in the Field

Theology After Google

Progressive Christian theologians have some vitally important things to say, things that both the church and society desperately need to hear. The trouble is, we tend to deliver our message using technologies that date back to Gutenberg: books, academic articles, sermons, and so forth. We aren't making effective use of the new technologies, social media, and social networking. When it comes to effective communication of message, the Religious Right is running circles around us.



The Morally Divided Body

WHILE DOCTRINAL ISSUES have often in the past been the most ecumenically neuralgic topics, increasingly today ethical issues -- abortion and homosexuality most prominently -- have become a focus of difference between the churches and of potentially splintering debate within churches. These issues are more laden with emotion than many traditional doctrinal disputes, but ecumenical discussions have yet to address them in detail. We have little sense of just when and how ethical disputes rightly impact communion within and among the churches. When can we live together with difference over such matters and when does unity in Christ require common teaching? These questions will be addressed from a variety of perspectives.



CWS News

Haiti: Amid obstacles and frustrations "things are getting better"

Port-au-Prince, Haiti – Just outside of Port-au-Prince, community leader Altenor Ronald expressed a mixture of frustration, anger and disorientation as he tried to coordinate the relocation of survivors from the Jan. 12 earthquake into a roadside displacement site.

“We have no food, no stoves, people are hungry. I’m in charge and I don’t know what to do,” he said.


If many signs are grim, others are less so. Despite logistical challenges and many pre-existing social problems in Haiti, Tommy Bouchiba, acting country director for ACT Alliance member Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, noted that humanitarian aid is getting to those who need it; aid pipelines are opening up; and rehabilitation programs are already beginning. “It is getting better,” Bouchiba said of the overall humanitarian situation.

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2010 Conferences

Boston 2010

Seminary students and faculty from all over the world, but particularly as based in the schools of theology, seminaries and university divinity schools of the Greater Boston (USA) area, will hold a conference sponsored by the Boston Theological Institute (BTI), the consortium of such schools. (A similar meeting was held in 1910 in Boston shortly after the one in Edinburgh.) The BTI conference will come toward the end of 2010, offering a summation and analysis of the previous “Edinburgh Conferences.”

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Edinburgh 2010

Edinburgh 2010 is a multi-denominational and international project set up to commemorate the 1910 World Missionary Conference, and to provide new perspectives on mission for the 21st century.

From 2 to 6 June 2010 a Centenary Conference will take place in and around the historic sites of the 1910 Conference. The Edinburgh 2010 General Council has invited 250 church and mission leaders to come to Edinburgh and is welcoming another 900 visitors for the Sunday Celebrations.

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National Workshop on Christian Unity

Attend the
2010 National Workshop

on Christian Unity
April 19-22, 2010
Tampa, Florida

Hyatt Regency Hotel

211 North Tampa Street
Tampa, Florida, USA



NCC News

Week of Christian Unity observed January 18-25

This year's theme, "You Are Witnesses of These Things" from Luke 24:48, was selected in part to commemorate the witness of the 1910 Edinburgh Mission Conference that historians name as the birth date and place of the modern ecumenical movement.

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For Haiti, A Modest Proposal

Even before the recent earthquake alerted us to Haiti’s misery, Goldman Sachs was uncomfortable about the attention its bonus system was attracting. Last September Lloyd Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, acknowledged that "Compensation continues to generate controversy and anger." "In many respects," he added, "much of it is understandable and appropriate." The New York Times reported (October 12, 2009) that Goldman Sachs has considered improving its image by making a sizable charitable donation.

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Resources following up on General Convention's ecumenical and inter-religious work

Next Steps in Full Communion with the Moravian Church

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An Overview of the Ecumenical Agreement with the Presbyterian Church, USA

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An Overview of the Interreligious Relations Statement of the Episcopal Church

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