Surgery Research Conference Recap, April 14
Research Resident Research Update
Three National Institutes of Health R01 Awards
Gwen Lomberk, PhD
Targeting Epigenomic Regulators at the Replication Fork in PDAC
R01, National Cancer Institute
Kirkwood Pritchard, PhD
Mechanisms of Inflammation in Sickle Cell Disease
R01 renewal, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Amy Wagner, MD
Gastroschisis Outcomes of Delivery (GOOD) Study
R01, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Join Us Next Month for Surgery Research Conference
Research Resident Research Update
Wednesday, May 12 | 5 p.m.
SurPASS Tip of the Month Upcoming Changes to NIH Biosketch and Other Support Format Page To support collaboration between federal research agencies, NIH made efforts to align
the Biosketch, Other Support page and Application Form Instructions with guidance issued by the Office of Science and Technology Policy Joint Committee on the Research Environment. As a result, NIH released NOT-OD-21-073 discussing updated application forms and instructions to support the need for applicants and recipients to provide full transparency and disclosure of all research activities, foreign and domestic. Updated forms include the NIH Biosketch and Other Support, which are used as attachments in Forms-F application packages and RPPRs. The updated forms and instructions will be required for use for applications and RPPRs submitted for due dates on or after May 25, 2021. Updated Biosketch
resources, including FAQs and sample Biosketch format pages, can be found here. Updated Other Support resources, including FAQs and sample Other Support format pages, can be found here. Contact Krissa Packard with any questions.
Clinical Research Tip of the Month Did you receive a request for a routine review of your study? Routine Reviews are a mechanism for the MCW Human Research Protections Program (HRPP) to provide verification of the conduct of human research projects. Routine Reviews are conducted on a scheduled basis by the HRPP Quality Improvement staff. Routine Reviews serve multiple purposes, including: - To provide feedback to the PI and research team regarding the conduct of the research project in accordance with the approved protocol, MCW policies/SOPs, federal regulations and good clinical practices.
- To provide an opportunity for the PI and study team members to address any questions or concerns they have.
- To allow the IRB and the HRPP to better fulfill its mission to protect the rights, welfare and privacy of all individuals participating in IRB approved research by ensuring the conduct of human subject research adequately meets safety, regulatory compliance, scientific quality, and ethical standards.
The HRPP website provides additional details on the routine review process and the annual review schedule by division.
2022 Pew Biomedical Scholars
Up to $300,000 ($75,000/year for 4 years)
Internal nomination materials due: May 3, 2021The Pew Foundation has released the RFA for the 2022 Pew Scholars Program in Biomedical Sciences. The foundation makes awards of up to $300,000 ($75,000/year for 4 years) for innovative, high-risk, out-of-the-box studies. Eligible candidates are basic and early translational faculty who have been/will be appointed as first time Assistant Professors between 6/14/2017 – 9/1/2021. Because Pew is only accepting a limited number of candidates, an internal review will be conducted for all MCW candidates.
Applications will be reviewed by an Internal Selection Committee including members of the Society for Research Excellence. Internal nomination materials are due by noon on Monday, May 3. For inquires, contact the Office of Research.
As a component of the NCI's Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Program, this FOA encourages applications focused on the development of novel computational, mathematical, and statistical algorithms and methods that can considerably improve acquisition, management, analysis, and dissemination of relevant data and/or knowledge. The central mission of ITCR is to promote research-driven informatics technology across the development lifecycle to address priority needs in cancer research. In order to be
successful, there must be a clear rationale for how the proposed informatics method or algorithm is novel and how it will benefit the cancer research field.
Projects awarded in this cycle will be funded under three categories: - MCW investigator-initiated projects (2-3)
- MCW CVC investigator project (1-2)
- Southeast Wisconsin regional institution investigator projects (2-3).
Request for proposals is seeking innovative and novel projects related to therapeutic development in the area of (but not limited to) cardiovascular, neuroscience, oncology, autoimmune, genetic, tissue remodeling, rare, or metabolic diseases.
The Small Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. Eligible investigators may also request additional supplemental funds for a course release. We accept applications three times per year.
This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, or method. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education. We seek to support scholarship that develops new foundational knowledge that may have a lasting impact on educational discourse.
- The abstract language is English
- The templates provided are the only format accepted please see “How to write and submit an EACTS Abstract” below.
- There should be no more than 8 authors
- Since the abstracts will be judged anonymously, the text may not reveal the institutional affiliation
- Mark the category which best describes the subject of your abstract. If the paper is to be considered for any award or prize, mark the corresponding field when submitting the abstracts.
- Each abstract submitted to the Association for possible presentation at the EACTS Annual Meeting must summarize an original contribution and must not have been submitted, presented, published or accepted for presentation
or publication elsewhere.
Abstracts will not be accepted unless they are submitted according to the format and instructions described previously, and submitted using the online system no later than the dates given above.
This competition is open to surgical residents in the Department of Surgery.
Abstracts should include: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. One table and/or figure may be included. Do not exceed 300 words, not including title, authors, and table/figure. Multiple abstracts from a single applicant may be submitted, but only one abstract will be selected per applicant. Invited abstracts must be presented during the Condon-Donegan Research Competition on Tuesday, June 22nd in the HUB A5338 from 4-6 PM. Abstracts will be judged by a panel of surgery faculty members and the Eberbach visiting professor. The winners are planned to be announced at the Eberbach banquet.
The abstract should describe original research in trauma care, critical care, injury prevention, or burn care. The abstract must consist of original material not published prior to the PTS annual conference or previously presented in another national or international conferences. Local presentations are allowed.
You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to set up an account first):
*Please note that if you created an account in Ex Ordo for a previous meeting, the same username and password can be used SAAS does allow the presentation of work that has been presented at other meetings, but not published or under consideration for publication at the time of submission. Each presenting author will be limited to two abstracts. Submission to the Journal of Surgical Research, the official publication of SAAS, is recommended, but not required.
Please visit the SMDM website as more information becomes available. Please e-mail any abstract submission questions to
Presentation Types: - Oral- Accepted oral presentations will be required to submit a manuscript to the Journal of the American College of Surgeons (JACS). Additionally, a WSA Member must close the discussion of your paper at the WSA 2021 Annual Meeting. If your abstract is not selected as an Oral presentation, it will automatically be considered for an ePoster presentation.
- ePoster- Non-podium presentation opportunity that does not require manuscript submission.
- Video - Video presentations do not require manuscript submission. If your video is not selected for a Video podium presentation, it will be considered for a Video ePoster.
Format: - The abstract body (not counting abstract title or author string) must not exceed 500 words
- Graphs, photos and/or tables are not accepted
- Video format: Must not exceed 8 minutes, sound required, .MP4 formats only and <800 Mb.
- No reference to the authors or the institution should appear within the body of the abstract.
- You do not need to be a Western Surgical Association member to submit an abstract for consideration. However, if selected, your member sponsor must be present for the meeting (and close the discussion if selected as an oral presentation).
The Program Committee will carefully select abstracts to be presented as Posters, Highlighted Posters or Orals. Only 28 high scoring regular call abstracts will be invited for Oral Presentations and 7 abstracts will be invited for Late Breaking Oral Presentations. All other abstracts will be considered/accepted for Poster or Highlighted Poster presentation. Review the Abstract Submission Guide for more information on preparing and submitting an abstract. The abstract submission fees are as follows: - Regular Call
– $50.00 USD
- Late Breaking – $70.00 USD
Department of Surgery Recent Publications
Do right heart hemodynamic improvements persist after pulmonary thromboendarterectomy? Seminars in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery. (Cain MT, Joyce D, Lahr BD, Day CN, Sandhu GS, Kushwaha S, Joyce LD) Short-term Outcomes for Patients and Providers After Elective Tracheostomy in COVID-19-Positive Patients. Journal of Surgical Research. (Murphy P, Holler E, Lindroth H, Laughlin M, Simons CJ, Streib EW, Boustani M, Ortiz D) Neither Skin Sutures nor Foam Dressing Use Affect Tracheostomy Complication Rates. Journal of Surgical Research. (Zein Eddine SB, Carver TW, Karam
BS, Pooni I, Ericksen F, Milia DJ) Fever in the ICU: A Predictor of Mortality in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. (Choron RL, Butts CA, Bargoud C, Krumrei NJ, Teichman AL, Schroeder ME, Bover Manderski MT, Cai J, Song C, Rodricks MB, Lissauer M, Gupta R) Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Operable Pancreatic Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology. (Kim RY, Christians KK, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, George B, Kamgar M, Khan AH, Kulkarni N, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S) Impact of integrated translational research on clinical exome sequencing. Genetics in
Medicine. (Klee EW, Cousin MA, Pinto E Vairo F, Morales-Rosado JA, Macke EL, Jenkinson WG, Ferrer A, Schultz-Rogers LE, Olson RJ, Oliver GR, Sigafoos AN, Schwab TL, Zimmermann MT, Urrutia RA, Kaiwar C, Gupta A, Blackburn PR, Boczek NJ, Prochnow CA, Lowy RJ, Mulvihill LA, McAllister TM, Aoudia SL, Kruisselbrink TM, Gunderson LB, Kemppainen JL, Fisher LJ, Tarnowski JM, Hager MM, Kroc SA, Bertsch NL, Agre KE, Jackson JL, Macklin-Mantia SK, Murphree MI, Rust LM, Summer Bolster JM, Beck SA, Atwal PS, Ellingson MS, Barnett SS, Rasmussen KJ, Lahner CA, Niu Z, Hasadsri L, Ferber MJ, Marcou CA, Clark KJ, Pichurin PN, Deyle DR, Morava-Kozicz E, Gavrilova RH, Dhamija R, Wierenga KJ, Lanpher BC, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Farrugia G, Schimmenti LA, Stewart AK, Lazaridis KN) Evaluation of dry hydrogen peroxide in reducing microbial bioburden in a healthcare facility. American Journal of Infection Control. (Sanguinet J, Edmiston C) COVID-19 pre-procedural testing strategy and early outcomes at a large tertiary care children's hospital. Pediatric Surgery
International. (Bence CM, Jarzembowski JA, Belter L, Berens RJ, Henrickson KJ, Hoffman GM, Jackson F, Kehl KS, Oldham KT, Scott JP, Tassone JC, Woger N, Yale E, Gourlay DM) Racial Discrimination is Associated with Acute Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Predicts Future Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity in Trauma-Exposed Black Adults in the United States. Journal of Traumatic Stress. (Bird CM, Webb EK, Schramm AT, Torres L, Larson C,
deRoon-Cassini TA) Pleuropulmonary Blastoma in Pediatric Lung Lesions. Pediatrics. (Kunisaki SM, Lal DR, Saito JM, Fallat ME, St Peter SD, Fox ZD, Heider A, Chan SS, Boyd KP, Burns RC, Deans KJ, Gadepalli SK, Hirschl RB, Kabre R, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Minneci PC, Wright TN, Helmrath MA, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium) Comparing Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms Reported via Questionnaires Versus a Novel Structured Interview. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. (Emmert NA, Ristow G, McCrea MA, deRoon-Cassini TA, Nelson LD) Transcarotid Approach to Placement of an Impella 5.0. ASAIO Journal. (Ramamurthi A, Cain
MT, Smith N, Espinal A, Joyce DL, Mohammed A, Joyce LD, Durham LA) Interpreting Sequence Variation in PDAC-Predisposing Genes Using a Multi-Tier Annotation Approach Performed at the Gene, Patient, and Cohort Level. Frontiers in Oncology. (Zimmermann MT, Mathison AJ, Stodola T, Evans DB, Abrudan JL, Demos W, Tschannen M, Aldakkak M, Geurts J, Lomberk G, Tsai S,
Urrutia R) Current state of intraoperative use of near infrared fluorescence for parathyroid identification and preservation. Surgery. (Solorzano CC, Thomas G, Berber E, Wang TS, Randolph GW, Duh QY, Triponez F) Toxigenic Clostridioides difficile colonization as a risk factor for development of C. difficile infection in solid-organ transplant patients. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. (Keegan J, Buchan BW, Ledeboer NA, Zhou Z, Hong JC, Graham MB, Munoz-Price LS) Medical student education for injury prevention: closing the gap. Injury Prevention. (Zosel A,
Kohlbeck S, Davis CS, Meurer L, Hargarten S) Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Following Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. [Review] Surgical Clinics of North America. (Albaugh VL, Kindel TL, Nissen SE, Aminian A) Validation of the Injured Trauma Survivor Screen (ITSS): An AAST Multi-Institutional Trial. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. (Hunt JC, Herrera-Hernandez E, Brandolino A, Jazinski-Chambers K, Maher K, Jackson B, Smith RN, Lape D, Cook M, Bergner C, Schramm AT, Brasel KJ, de Moya MA, deRoon-Cassini TA) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation with
Right Ventricular Assist Device for COVID-19 ARDS. Journal of Surgical Research. (Cain MT, Smith NJ, Barash M, Simpson P, Durham LA 3rd, Makker H, Roberts C, Falcucci O, Wang D, Walker R, Ahmed G, Brown SA, Nanchal RS, Joyce DL) Expert commentary on the challenges and opportunities for surgical site infection prevention through implementation of evidence-based guidelines in the Asia-Pacific Region. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. (Morikane K, Russo PL,
Lee KY, Chakravarthy M, Ling ML, Saguil E, Spencer M, Danker W, Seno A, Charles EE Jr) N-acetyl-lysyltyrosylcysteine amide, a novel systems pharmacology agent, reduces bronchopulmonary dysplasia in hyperoxic neonatal rat pups. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. (Teng RJ, Jing X, Martin DP, Hogg N, Haefke A, Konduri GG, Day BW, Naylor S, Pritchard KA Jr) Solid organ donor-recipient race-matching: analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing database. Transplant International. (LeClaire JM, Smith NJ, Chandratre S, Rein L, Kamalia MA, Kohmoto T, Joyce LD, Joyce DL) Characterizing COVID-19 clinical phenotypes and associated comorbidities
and complication profiles. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource]. (Lusczek ER, Ingraham NE, Karam BS, Proper J, Siegel L, Helgeson ES, Lotfi-Emran S, Zolfaghari EJ, Jones E, Usher MG, Chipman JG, Dudley RA, Benson B, Melton GB, Charles A, Lupei MI, Tignanelli CJ) Discordant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Code Status at Death. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. (Robbins AJ, Ingraham NE, Sheka AC, Pendleton KM, Morris R, Rix A, Vakayil V, Chipman JG, Charles A, Tignanelli
CJ) Prognostic Outcomes of Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Breast. Journal of Surgical Research. (Mehdi M, Kong AL, Frebault J, Huang S, Huang CC, Cortina CS) Impact of Valve
Type (Ross vs. Mechanical) on Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Young Adults with Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement. Pediatric Cardiology. (Beacher D, Frommelt P, Brosig C, Zhang J, Simpson P, Hraska V, Ginde S) Ten-year experience in optimizing neoadjuvant therapy for localized pancreatic cancer-Medical college of Wisconsin perspective. [Review] Journal of Surgical Oncology. (Ward EP, Evans DB, Tsai S)
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