Merry Christmas, 2019, from all of us at Hope Force International!
"Immanuel, God with us." Everything changed with the advent of Jesus and nothing will ever be the same again! This greatest of all gifts is the reason Christmas is such a special season of hope and new beginnings.
Our hearts are profoundly grateful for our Hope Force International disaster responders who have tirelessly and sacrificially served throughout the year in the United States, Mexico, the Bahamas and in our post-earthquake rebuild efforts in Haiti and Nepal. We also want to welcome into our ranks our new HFI Reservists, and we look forward to working together to make a world of difference!
We want to send our heartfelt gratitude to our faithful donors who have made the work of Hope Force International possible, and we pray that God will repay in ways that are most meaningful to you.
May this Christmas be blessed...and with thankfulness for you,
Jack and Cherie Minton
HFI Co-Founders