Editor's note

White nationalists are having their moment, and many Americans across the political spectrum are alarmed. Should this resurgent movement be ignored? Feared? Fought?

What about made fun of?

Penn State’s Kevin Hagopian looks to Charlie Chaplin for answers. A dedicated anti-fascist, Chaplin lampooned Adolf Hitler in his 1940 film “The Great Dictator,” which became the third highest-grossing movie in the United States that year. Hitler even watched it, and while we can only speculate over how he reacted to it, we do know that he ordered it screened a second time.

“Ridicule,” Chaplin once wrote, “is an act of defiance.”

Nick Lehr

Editor, Arts and Culture

Top story

Charlie Chaplin’s character Adenoid Hynkel was a not-so-subtle nod to Adolf Hitler. Wikimedia Commons

For a primer on how to make fun of Nazis, look to Charlie Chaplin

Kevin Hagopian, Pennsylvania State University

Chaplin's 1940 film 'The Great Dictator' mocks Hitler’s absurdity and overweening vanity, while highlighting Germany's psychological captivity to a political fraud.

Economy + Business

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Jay L. Zagorsky, The Ohio State University

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Harley Shaiken, University of California, Berkeley

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Health + Medicine

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The best shot at overcoming vaccination standoffs? Having doctors listen to – not shun – reluctant parents

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Steven D. Munger, University of Florida

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We should serve kids food in school, not shame

Sarah Riggs Stapleton, University of Oregon

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Colleges need affirmative action – but it can be expanded

Eboni Nelson, University of South Carolina

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Environment + Energy

Here's a better vision for the US-Mexico border: Make the Rio Grande grand again

Gabriel Diaz Montemayor, University of Texas at Austin

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Over the years, Americans have become increasingly exposed to extremism

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Science + Technology

Will CRISPR fears fade with familiarity?

Patricia Stapleton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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Postpartum depression can affect dads – and their hormones may be to blame

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Warning signs of mass violence – in the US?

Max Pensky, Binghamton University, State University of New York; Nadia Rubaii, Binghamton University, State University of New York

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Matthew Delmont, Arizona State University

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Today’s quote

Rather than spending billions of dollars on a border wall, here is an alternative vision: regenerating the Rio Grande, which forms more than half of the border, to form the core of a binational park that showcases our spectacular shared landscape.


Here's a better vision for the US-Mexico border: Make the Rio Grande grand again

Gabriel Diaz Montemayor

University of Texas at Austin

Gabriel Diaz Montemayor