September 2017 |
Autumn inspiration: Kuhnle turns up the heat in Berlin
Berlin from the water might seem like a summer-only activitiy, but between November and March boat hirer Kuhnle-Tours is basing its Primus Kormoran and Aquino houseboats at Berlin-Rummelsburg. This marina is the ideal starting point for exploring the city, with the party mile of Friedrichshein and the Mercedes-Benz Arena within striking distance. In fact, some people may never leave the marina, choosing instead just to use the boats as a cosy floating apartment, thanks to their very effective heating systems. And with boats that sleep five available from €186 per night, that's a good deal.
Autumn inspiration: it's all queens and onions in Weimar
Where are crowns not made of gold but of onions? In Weimar, where one of Germany’s oldest fairs is celebrated each year in October. The Onion Market, this year taking place from 13 to 15 October, comes with its very own Onion Market Queen who is adorned with said crown and reigns for one year. The whole historic town centre is one big party, with stands selling handicrafts, food and drink. The festival is all about the humble onion and onion garlands, decorated with colourful dried flowers, are popular souvenirs. With about 300,000 visitors, it might not be of Oktoberfest proportions but is all the more charming for it.
Autumn inspiration: all that jazz and more in Leipzig
Leipzig's Jazztage is is one of the most well-known jazz festivals in Germany. Kickstarting the city's autumn festival season, it runs over roughly ten days from 12 October and even the Opera House will be hosting performances. Jazz is an art form which somehow manages to combine both individuality and collective spirit, but then unusual combinations like this are par for the course in this city of surprises. There's a special attitude to life here which deserves investigation, most easily accessed through 146 specific tips from off the beaten track in the city's brochure Hidden Leipzig – Off the Beaten Track. Discover friendly locals and magical places!
Frankfurt is one of those destinations that is hard to love
Autumn is traditionally city-break season in Europe, and travellers will be looking at flight schedules for quick weekends away. Unless they are business travellers heading for one of the big trade fairs, Frankfurt is unlikely to be on their list. But the airport, ten minutes from downtown, is just getting Ryanaired, and the city has lots of hidden good stuff to see. What about Sachsenhausen, with its applewine taverns? Or Nordend, with its trendy Bergerstrasse main street? Or Westend, whose Palmengarten (lilyponds pictured left) has so many different ecologies in one space? Next time you're there, go deeper. It is only downtown that's a bit of a mess.
Picture Credits
Masthead left to right, T top, B bottom: Black Forest gone blue, Achim Mende. Brandenburger Hof hotel. Schloss Lübbenau (T). Bundesliga, GNTB (B). Ski lift at Fichtelberg, Oberwiesenthal Tourism (T). Martin Luther (B). Chilled gnome, DZT (T). Rügen cliffs, GNTB (B). Cherry cake, pa (B). Berlin S-Bahn
Main images: Berlin from the water, Kuhnle-Tours GmbH. Onion Queen Weimar, Sascha Margon. Bertram Burkert, Leipzig. Palmengarten lilies, Andrew Eames.