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Brotherhood of St Laurence - Working for an Australia free of poverty Brotherhood Update - Research and policy update from the Brotherhood of St Laurence

August 2019

This month we introduce our new series of podcasts.

We also report on policy submissions about the National Disability Insurance Scheme, taking action on climate change while supporting the most affected communities, transforming our understanding of mental health.

Please share Brotherhood Update with your colleagues and encourage them to subscribe.

AUDIO Launch of free Brotherhood Talks podcast

Brotherhood Talks graphic

We are delighted to announce the launch of our free podcast, Brotherhood Talks.

Hear social policy experts discuss issues of vital importance in overcoming the challenge of poverty and disadvantage in Australia, drawn from public seminars hosted by the Brotherhood of St Laurence Research and Policy Centre.

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Soundcloud or Spotify and online at www.bsl.org.au/brotherhoodtalks. Subscribe in each platform to ensure you are notified about new episodes.

PODCAST UN Sustainable Development Goals

John Thwaites and Conny Lenneberg

Listen to the first of the new Brotherhood Talks podcasts, UN Sustainable Development Goals in Australia: leave no one behind

Professor John Thwaites from Monash University's Sustainable Development Institute sees the goals as a mechanism to ensure future generations get a fair go. Conny Lenneberg, Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St Laurence sees them as an important shared vision.

POLICY Ensuring NDIS participants can access the services they need

Close-up of mobility aid

Many people – particularly those with complex needs – are struggling to access the right supports in the competitive market of NDIS providers. The Brotherhood believes that a different approach to commissioning services is needed to address the ‘thin markets’ that emerge when there are not enough providers in a certain area or of a particular service. This will require providers, participants and governments to work together.

Read our Submission to the Department of Social Services NDIS Thin Markets Project Consultation (PDF, 310 KB)

POLICY Emissions reduction targets must be taken seriously

Sunshade and blazing sun

The Brotherhood of St Laurence recognises the imperative for climate change action and the need to keep global warming below an increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius. To address this challenge, Victoria will need an integrated strategy to engage with the households most affected by the impacts of climate change and to provide timely support for communities that currently depend on high-emissions industries.

Read the submission Victoria’s 2030 emissions targets: response to the Victorian Government (PDF, 690 KB)

POLICY Victoria's mental health system

Transforming Victoria’s mental system requires an expansive definition of mental wellbeing and a capabilities approach that complements the recovery model in mental health treatment and services. These are among the recommendations of the Brotherhood’s response to the current Victorian inquiry.

Read our Submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, July 2019 (PDF, 374 KB)