NWT Tourism Coronavirus Update #8 - Resources for business support and a request to add your voice to a collective advocacy effort
Dear valued members,
We hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and well. The COVID-19 situation has had an immediate and immense impact on the tourism industry in Canada and so much more. At this point there are no predictions for how long this situation will continue. What we know right now is that the federal government has restricted travel to Canada for all foreign nationals coming from any country other then the United States until June 30, 2020. Border restrictions between Canada and the United States are in effect for a 30-day period as of March 21, 2020. No one can predict what will happen within Canada and with border restrictions after this date.
We would like you to know that through our role in the Tourism Industry Association of Canada we are working to ensure that the needs of the tourism industry are being heard at the federal level. Today we would like to share some links for financial resources with you and give you an opportunity to add your voice to the advocacy efforts that are currently underway.
Federal Support
As you likely all know, yesterday the Prime Minister announced that the process to apply for federal financial assistance has been streamlined. Two previously announced benefits - the Emergency Care Benefit and the Emergency Support Benefit - have been combined into one. The application process is scheduled to open in early April. Here is the link for more information on this and other relief programs at the federal level: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/economic-response-plan/covid19-individuals.html#new_canada_emergency_response_benefit
Government of the Northwest Territories Support
The Government of the Northwest Territories has resources for businesses affected by COVID-19. A list of resources can be found here: https://www.iti.gov.nt.ca/en/resources-businesses. Details of how to apply for these resources can be found here: https://www.iti.gov.nt.ca/en/applying-covid-19-business-relief
Destination Canada resources for the tourism industry
Destination Canada has gathered some important links for resources for business financial assistance for the tourism industry. There are various resources for all levels of business which you can find at this link https://www.destinationcanada.com/en/coronavirus-updates#industrysupport
Add your voice to the advocacy efforts of TIAC and others to make our voices stronger together
The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC), Restaurants Canada and the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) have joined forces in their advocacy efforts to secure tax relief and a credit facility for the sector as a whole. All tourism businesses are asked to:
Put your signature on the joint proposal by clicking here.
Send a letter to your Member of Parliament urging him to support this proposal. The letter is already pre-written for you - you just need to input your name and your community within the NWT in the space where it asks for your address. Once you do this, the MP (Minister Michael McLeod) will be filled in automatically. Click here to send a letter.
Government of the Northwest Territories Survey closes Friday, March 27th!
I want to remind you to fill in the Government of the Northwest Territories online survey to gather data to help assess the effects of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in the NWT. Getting the impact of this pandemic on your business into the GNWT is a hugely important opportunity to ensure GNWT is informed from your perspective and this information can inform future GNWT activities. Your response will be kept confidential and only summarized or aggregated data will be shared by the GNWT. To be clear - we need you to ensure the GNWT understands the economic impact of this pandemic on your business. Please note that the survey deadline is March 27th.
Please complete this survey by visiting:
We will continue to issue communications as news occurs in this rapidly changing situation.
Stay well as we all continue to look after each other,
Cathie Bolstad
Chief Executive Officer
Northwest Territories Tourism