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Kingswood eNews

Kingswood College Where Potential Soars Kingswood College

Message from the President

In this edition of the Wyvernians eNews we introduce a new feature in which we will profile Wyvernians new and old.  Nick Georgiadis is our first featured Wyvernian, from the class of 1962.  He is an impressive person and continues to contribute to the College and broader community through his dedicated involvement within the Wyvernian Association but also having set up a Kingswood College Art Scholarship, and donating a leadlight window which depicts many incarnations of Kingswood College. The window is proudly displayed in Brimacombe Hall.

Over the next year the Committee will be working to improve connection with the Alumni.  To assist with setting the direction we are seeking input from Wyvernians.  An important focus for the Association is to improve connection with the Alumni and we are interested in your views so please take the time to let us know.

Wyvernians Alumni Association survey

Help us to provide an Alumni program that meets your needs by completing an online survey.

The survey will only take five minutes to complete and will provide us with valuable information on how you like to receive communication from the Association, the types of events and functions you're interested in as well as opportunities for involvement.



Complete the survey

LATTICE - the future of education

In 2014 Kingswood College will introduce a unique and evolutionary framework in education - Learning And Teaching Through Innovation, Collaboration, Engagement (LATTICE).

Based on the National Professional Standards for Teachers, the LATTICE framework will influence the future of education locally, nationally and globally.

LATTICE is the only platform of its kind in Australia
designed specifically to address the educational
needs of students whose lives will touch the 22nd Century.

It focuses not only on what we teach - but how we teach - in order to deliver contemporary learning programs.

Students will benefit from a genuine holistic education.
Learning experiences will build on students’ knowledge
by inter-weaving disciplines, innovative learning practices
and the latest technologies.

Read more

A light on alumni...

Nick Georgiadis was a boarder at Box Hill Grammar in the 50s and early 60s; he is a passionate and dedicated supporter of the College and recently donated a leadlight window to the College featuring the school crests throughout the years. This amazing gift to Kingswood College was two years in the making and was unveileved in Brimacombe Hall on Open Day 2011.

When I spoke with Nick about being featured in this new regular column, we agreed that I would send him the questions and then I would write it up as a piece.

Upon reciept of Nick's response to the ten questions, I was truly heartened by his passion and raw affection for Box Hill Grammar.  That said, what you will read is the un-edited write-up of Nick's story - I hope that when you've finished reading this that you will be as touched as I was and agree that presenting it in this format is the best way of doing his story justice.

Lynelle Dudman

Director of Community Engagement

Read Nick's story

Return to the Forbidden Planet

The College Production Return to the Forbidden Planet runs from Thursday 20 June - Saturday 22 June.
'Return to the Forbidden Planet' tells the story of Captain Tempest and his fearless crew on their journey into hyperspace...and beyond!

Commencing at 7.30pm refreshments will be served at interval by the Parents and Friends Association.


Year 9 City Cite

Year 9 City Cite experience runs from Tuesday 17 June to Friday 2 August.

Part of the annual Year 9 City Cite experience is a visit to a workplace.  These are short visits (up to 90 minutes) by three to six students to a workplace in almost any industry.

A formal tour or other 'heavy' presentation is not needed and it is also not necessary for the area of work to be obviously glamorous. The goal is that students gain insight into the experience of city workers. Often the most valuable aspect is simply the conversation with a working adult; the story of their career path as well as their life as a working adult.

Arranging these visits which have consistently been very highly rated by students is only possible with community support and we ask if you are able to help. Obviously work places close to the CBD are particularly helpful, but other locations can be considered so long as they are easily accessible by public transport and not too far from the city.

If you think you can help, please make contact with Bernadette Piekacz at the College.

Grant Exon
Year 9 Coordinator

Year 10 work experience

Students in Year 10 get real life on the job experience through the College's work experience program.

Running from Monday 16 September to Friday 20 September, the College needs the assistance of Wyvernians in helping to find suitable work places for students.

If you're able to assist the work experience program please email Careers Counsellor Marta Gorondi.

Update your details

Have you got a new email address, phone number, or changed address since leaving the College?  Please advise us of your updated details so we can continue to communicate with you, by updating your details. If you know anyone else who attended the College but who may not have received this eNews please feel free to forward this on.

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Kingswood College 2012

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