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Walk Awake Footer Hr
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Thank-you for your participation!

Dear patients, friends and colleagues,

I wanted to take a moment to first thank all of you that participated in the first time ever Remote Group Sacred Feet Healing on May 20th. What a gift to have so many of you jump in and be open to receive and experience this particular healing modality from afar. And after hearing the feedback from so many of you it was quite an experience for you as well leaving no doubts that we are all so connected, and intention and openess are powerful tools.

Whether your experience was loud and clear or more quite and subtle please do trust that you were supported in the best possible way. It is best to pay attention to your body/feet and how you may begin seeing an increase in your body presence and awareness as well as a release of stuck pattern of pain or discomfort in body, mind or spirit.

If you missed this event I do plan to offer it again in the near future. In the mean time, if you are feeling out of sorts physically, mentally or emotionally and are in need of some extra individual support on your path helping to create a stronger more courageous you. 

Whether you have foot problems or not this is a powerful tool to help to feel more grounded and comfortable in your body please contact me for info on a mini or full session today.

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natures soft drink-coconut water

Coconut water is the purest liquid second to water! It is a natural energy drink, filled with immune boosting vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Coconut water is an excellent drink to have after a workout or sauna to hydrate the body and boost metabolism. It is wonderful for replacing minerals and fluids lost through sweating. It also helps to balance your pH by having an alkaline effect on your body.

Research shows that coconut water can improve blood circulation and lowers blood pressure reducing the risk of heart attacks and stokes. 


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