Hands up if you use the internet to source health information? You are not alone, most people do it.
If you're planning to have children, about to give birth or want advice on navigating the first twelve months of your newborn child there's plenty of information on the web.
But how can you tell what's credible and what's untrustworthy?
This issue of Stayin' Strong looks at Pregancy, Birth and Baby - an Australian non-government service for people seeking advice, counselling, support or information on pregnancy, childbirth and baby's first year.
As well as having an online presence Pregnancy, Birth and Baby provide a 24-hour helpline, the only one of it's kind in Australia.
"Some of the things that people will call us about for counselling include emotional distress during pregnancy and after they’ve had the baby," says Dianne Zalitis, the clinical governance co-ordinator for pregancy, birth and baby services at Healthdirect Australia.
"We get questions about parenting issues, housing, financial support [and] our contacts for other services such as drug and alcohol or maternal child health services," she told Stayin' Strong.
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is free, confidential and can be accessed by women, partners or family members seeking assistance on any issues related to pregancy, childbirth and bub's first twelve months.
What's the number?
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby 1800 822 436
Healthdirect Australia 1800 022 222
If you wish to speak to someone in your preferred language you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 or call staff at the helpline can arrange an interpreter.