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Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport, and Resources

Keeping you up to date on the Stavely Ground Release Tender

September 2018

This newsletter will include updates on the progress of the Stavely Ground Release Tender. It will also provide information to address commonly asked questions, and provide information about upcoming opportunities to speak with us.

Building community understanding
Building community understanding of minerals exploration and development is a key part of the government's recently released Mineral Resources Strategy. The strategy focuses on the potential to sustainably develop the state’s minerals resources and to boost the economy and secure more jobs for Victorians.

We understand that communities want to be more informed and have an opportunity to express their views on the benefits, risks and safeguards for potential minerals exploration and mining. Victoria has a robust regulatory framework where environmental and social matters are taken into account.


Conversations in western Victoria
The Stavely Ground Release Tender announced on 22 June 2018 provided an opportunity to open up the conversation further with people living and working in western Victoria.

Over the past few months, nine initial information sessions were held throughout western Victoria by Department staff. These sessions provided local residents an opportunity to learn more about minerals exploration and the tender, ask questions, and share their ideas and concerns. Thank you to everyone who attended these sessions, we really appreciate you taking the time to come along and contribute to the discussion.

During this time we also met with a number of Local Councils, Regional Partnerships, and Landcare facilitators.

What you said
One of the most common matters raised was around land access which included specific questions on landholder rights, land access protocols and processes, and compensation agreements. Another common concern related to the safeguards in place to protect special places and things on private property and crown land. This included questions relating to covenants and heritage overlays, with a particular focus on bushland and wildlife reserves, native vegetation, and waterways.

The graphic below demonstrates some of the main themes raised during our information sessions.

We are working through the many specific ideas and questions these conversations have generated. Commonly asked questions can be found in our Frequently Asked Question section of our website. We will continue to update this over the coming weeks.

Tender update and next steps
Tender applications closed 15 August 2018. 

Subject to confidentiality and government approval processes, the outcome of the tender is expected to be made public later this year. No licence can be issued to a preferred tenderer without going through a carefully regulated licensing process which includes an opportunity for individuals to have their say. Information regarding when and how to do this will be available on our website.

Upcoming opportunities to speak with us

Belong to a landcare group, farm network or community group? Do you and your friends have unanswered questions? We would like to hear from you, learn about your experiences with minerals exploration and what matters to you. If you're interested in organising a time for us to meet with you please register your interest by emailing us at

Elmore Field Day
2nd & 3rd October 2018
We will be available to speak to in the Agriculture Victoria marquee.


More information on the Stavely Ground Release, the tender process, minerals exploration, upcoming information sessions and what you can expect as a local community member can be found on our website.


You are receiving this Bulletin because you subscribed at an information session or registered on our website.

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Minerals Development Victoria updates is distributed by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources