Editor's note

Kenya’s media has been in the spotlight given its controversial role in the 2007 poll that ended in violence and over 1 000 deaths. George Gathigi provides insights into how people think it performed this time. And as far as how voters cast their ballots, Yvonne Rowa Woods argues that both opposition leader Raila Odinga and incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta exploited ethnic affiliations. Their supporters also demonstrated a stubborn fixation to vote along tribal lines.

The outcome of the latest no confidence vote in President Jacob Zuma – the eighth since he became president in 2008 - has laid bare the fact that the governing ANC is a fractured party. Mashupye Herbert Maserumule argues that the ANC’s failure to set itself apart from its ethically compromised leader has given the opposition precious ammunition. And Roger Southall examines the outcome of the vote from the perspective of party loyalty versus personal conscience.

Julie Masiga


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