My hope is that all of our members and their families are healthy and safe. We are living through an historic time not experienced for over 100 years involving a global pandemic. I know this virus is impacting each and every one of our lives on so many levels. However, we do live in a great country and an amazing state, each of which is working overtime in providing health services and direction to help contain this outbreak. Please keep all of the healthcare workers on the front lines in your prayers. This is their 9/11.
If your business is being impacted, I highly recommend applying for the PPP or EIDL loans offered in the CARES Act stimulus package from the federal government. You may go to the SBA website here for more information and to apply online.
I want to personally thank TN Chapter member, Danny Wiley-SRA, who is the Sr. Director of Valuation-Single Family, Mortgage Credit Risk Management w/Freddie Mac. He has provided up to the minute status and direction regarding timely Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae changes, a modified set of instructions, Scope of Work, Statement of Assumptions, as well as, Limiting Conditions and certification allowing latitude for appraiser exterior inspections and for related bank lending assignments.
This document has assisted other GSEs and mortgage lenders to follow suit in keeping the appraiser safe, as well as, the property owners. Here are a two very good links to use in obtaining current FNMA and Freddie Mac appraiser information: www.fanniemae.com/appraisers & Freddiemac.com.
In TN, appraisers are considered ‘Essential' per the Governors Executive Order #23, (Reference page 9 paragraph 12. Also reference EO #22). I do recommend carrying a copy of this order along with your business card in your car at all times until the order is lifted.
I have found the national Appraisal Institute Coronavirus resources page to be very helpful during this time. It is available to everyone by clicking here and I recommend checking it often to remain updated and aware of developments and resources offered by health professionals and public health organizations. Additionally, there is some guidance on best practices for appraisers, as well as, an evergrowing list of useful links all in one place..
The Tennessee Chapter has had to postpone several classes in March and April, but we remain hopeful that we can reschedule them in July. We will keep you posted via our chapter website: www.tnappraiser.org
Our 2nd quarter board and general meeting will be held virtually on April 23rd, 2020. Please register here if you plan to attend. Instructions on how to join the meeting will be sent several days in advance by Executive Director, Myra Pitts.
My thoughts and prayers are with each of you! Please stay safe.
Murray W. Huber RM, CRP
2020 Tennessee Chapter President
The Tennessee Chapter’s next meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will meet virtually as a chapter until it is safe to be together again. We will still hold our chapter election for 2021 at this meeting, as well as, update everyone on the outcome of the Tennessee Real Estate Appraiser Commission (TREAC) meeting occurring on 4/20/20.
Instructions on how to join this chapter meeting will be sent via email several days in advance. We hope many of you can join us. Please register here if you plan to attend.
Chapter Meeting Information:
Login Information will be sent the week of the meeting. Please register here to receive the link.
Schedule of Events:
4 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Board of Directors Meeting
6 p.m. – 7 p.m. – Chapter Meeting
Slate of Officers for 2021
The TN Chapter Nominating Committee has submitted the following Slate of Officers for 2021.
2021 Chapter Officers
Steven M. Goodpaster, MAI ...............President
Benjamin R. Sellers, MAI ..................Vice President
T. Seth Rohling, MAI, AI-GRS.............Treasurer
Michael E. Williamson.........................Secretary
2021 Chapter Directors
Richard A. (Andy) Crook - 1 yr Board of Director
Mark T. Watson II, MAI - 1 yr Board of Director
David J. Stanley, MAI - 2 yr Board of Director
William C. Haisten, III - 2 yr Board of Director
David Mainord, MAI, AI-GRS - 3 yr Board of Director
James R. Bradley, SRA - 3 yr Board of Director
Rand Bouldin, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS – Branch Chair
Murray W. Huber, RM - Ex-officio
2021 Regional Representatives
Benjamin R. Sellers, MAI - Vice President
T. Seth Rohling, MAI, AI-GRS - Education Chair
Eric L. Boozer, MAI, AI-GRS - Regional Representative
Lara Sue Watson, MAI - Regional Representative
Christopher S. Lassiter, MAI – Regional Representative
The chapter is allowed to have up to ten (10) Alternate Regional Representatives. In the event that one of our elected regional representatives is unable to attend a region meeting, one of the members listed below would attend in his/her place.
Michael Ashworth, MAI
Creighton R. Cross, MAI, AI-GRS
Brian R. Eades, MAI
Christopher C. Hall, MAI, SRA
Thomas W. Hetrick, SRA, AI-RRS
David M. Mainord, MAI, AI-GRS
Taylor Vandever, MAI
The election will be held during our virtual chapter meeting on April 23rd, 2020. Please register here if you plan to attend this meeting.
Appraisers are Considered an Essential Service
On March 30th, 2020, Governor Bill Lee issued Executive Order No. 22, which is an order directing Tennesseans to stay home unless engaging in essential activities to limit their exposure to and spread of COVID-19.
Please note that appraisers are specifically listed as an essential service on Page 9 of this order under Item No. 12 - Financial Institutions and Insurance Entities.
Of course, we encourage everyone to use their own best judgement when deciding to be out in public at this time.
In the event that you are pulled over or questioned as to why you are out and about, it may be a good idea to have your appraiser license on you at all times, as well as, a copy of the Executive Order No. 22.
LDAC 2020 Rescheduled to October 26-28
Over the past several weeks, the Leadership Development and Advisory Council (LDAC) Planning Committee and AI staff have been at work planning for LDAC while closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the guidance being provided by the CDC, WHO and others with the hope of being able to hold LDAC 2020 as scheduled in May. In recent days, this monitoring has led us to actively explore all of our options related to conducting LDAC.
On March 27th, it was announced that the difficult, but necessary decision was made to postpone LDAC 2020 to Monday, October 26 – Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
The location remains the same at the Hilton Washington DC National Mall.
As the news regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, and with the recent recommendation by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to cancel/postpone any in-person gatherings of 10 people over the next 8 weeks, we did make the decision to postpone the following classes:
General Appraiser Income Approach Part II, March 23-26th in Nashville
Quantitative Analysis, March 30 – April 3rd in Nashville.
General Appraiser Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use – April 20-23rd in Nashville
A decision about our May and June classes has not been reached at this time. We are hoping to be able to make a more informed decision after the Tennessee Real Estate Appraiser Commission (TREAC) holds their virtual meeting on April 20th.
We understand how important it is for you, as appraisers, to have access to these and other education opportunities. We are hopeful that we can reschedule any and all cancelled classes to take place in Nashville starting in July 2020. However, we will need to continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation as it develops before we can make any official plans to do so.
It is our hope that by taking these preventative steps now, it will help mitigate the impact and spread of the Coronavirus in Tennessee and throughout our country. We ask for your patience and understanding as we respond to the rapidly changing circumstances associated with this virus.
We will be issuing a full refund to each student for his/her registration for these and any future offerings that must be cancelled (or postponed) due to COVID-19.
Our main priority is the health and safety of our members and our community.
Fall Real Estate Symposium 2020
Please "save the date" for the Fall Real Estate Symposium 2020. It will be held at Top Golf in Nashville on November 19th, 2020.
We are putting together an amazing lineup of speakers that you will not want to miss. It will be an incredible opportunity to learn about a range of different real estate topics and developments planned for Tennessee. It is also a great time to network with a variety of other industry professionals.
The cost is $150 and includes breakfast, lunch, AND 7 hours of approved continuing education credit in the state of TN for appraisers, brokers, and attorneys.
For an additional fee, attendees may attend the happy hour event immediately following the symposium. The cost is $40 and includes 2 hours of golf, heavy hors d'oeuvres, tea and water. (Adult beverages will be available for purchase but are not included in the $40 fee).
Fow now, please "save the date" and/or register here. This event is sure to sell out quickly. I will email the speaker lineup as it becomes available, so stay tuned to your inboxes!