News, views and analysis from the A/NZ tech sector No images? Click here ![]() Kia ora there, In the race for digital capability, New Zealand isn’t faring well. In fact, recent analysis suggests we’re at risk of becoming a digital dawdler. It’s a dangerous place to be when other countries are enacting ambitious transformation goals putting digital front and centre of their national plans. But it can all be turned around fairly quickly according to the European Center for Digital Competitiveness’ Digital Riser 2021 report. The report paints a dark picture for New Zealand – we’ve dropped 70 points in their digital competitiveness scale. But it also offers a playbook of best practice case studies from other, apparently more ambitious countries. It’s a dog eat dog world, and it's time New Zealand – and crucially our government and policy settings – genuinely engaged in boosting the digital economy. A very good start would be listening to industry and opening access for skilled tech specialists to get across our border. Ngā mihi nui, Heather Wright In this issue > A/NZ failing to rise to digital challenge > Accenture launches NZ Microsoft practice > Aussie digitises arrival cards with vaccine status included > Vaccine passports: The good, the bad and the ugly > Transformation, one broken process at a time > AppWrap: Tech news from around the web AppWrap: Tech news from around the web$3.9 million was lost to cybersecurity incidents in NZ in the April-June quarter. Cert NZ's report shows 245 of the 1,351 incidents responded to resulted in financial loss. Privacy advocates have thrown shade on Facebook’s Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses, which enable users to listen to music, take calls and capture photos and videos. Kiwi data insights startup Yabble has raised NZ$3 million as it looks to increase the depth of its offering, and move into Australia and the USA. Proudly supported by these leading NZ software providersHave you been sent this newsletter from a colleague or friend? Sign up below to get it direct: SUBSCRIBE NOW ... Please support independent journalism! |