Editor's note

The World Bank recently warned Nigeria that it risks becoming home to a quarter of the world’s destitute people in a decade if it doesn’t implement urgent reforms. Sheriffdeen Tella offers a checklist of the steps Nigeria must take to avoid this gloomy prognosis.

Locust swarms have plagued people for millennia. Currently, Kenya is struggling with a huge desert locust invasion - the worst in 25 years. The locusts migrated from Yemen and moved through Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia, destroying thousands of hectares of farms and natural vegetation. To fight the pests, the Kenyan government is using chemical pesticides, the usual immediate response of African governments to these outbreaks. Pesticides can immediately reduce the number of invading pests. But their benefits are short-term: insects can quickly become resistant. Esther Ndumi Ngumbi explains how countries can promote alternatives.

Wale Fatade

Commissioning Editor: Nigeria

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