Editor's note

Jesus, many would be forgiven for thinking, was a man with long hair and a beard who wore long robes with baggy sleeves. Or so centuries of Christian art, as well as contemporary film, might imply. But this image of Jesus’s fashion sense is far from the truth. His actual clothing, according to Joan Taylor, was far shabbier.

The ancestors of four-legged land animals probably crawled out of the ocean some 375m years ago. But by studying fish that have some kind of ability to “walk” along the seabed, scientists have found that fish probably evolved the brain circuitry to make walking possible much earlier than this, as Peter Falkingham explains.

Israel’s leaders have long presented their country as an island of democratic stability in a fractured, chaotic Middle East. But while it escaped a full-on uprising during the Arab Spring of 2011, Israel still saw protests large enough to make it clear there’s an unhappy middle class ready to turn on their leaders. Nicolai Due-Gundersen looks back at what happened, and explains why it could happen again.

Josephine Lethbridge

Interdisciplinary Editor

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Livioandronico2013 / Wikimedia Commons

What did Jesus wear?

Joan Taylor, King's College London

We may imagine Jesus in long robes with baggy sleeves, but this is far from how he would have dressed.

Tiktaalik: bridging the gap between land and sea. Zina Deretsky/National Science Foundation

'Walking' fish help scientists to understand how we left the ocean

Peter Falkingham, Liverpool John Moores University

Little skates that 'walk' across the ocean floor show how fish brains evolved to pave the way for working legs.

EPA/Abir Sultan

Israel escaped an Arab Spring-style uprising in 2011 – but only just

Nicolai Due-Gundersen, Kingston University

The events of summer 2011 proved that Israel incubates the same sort of socio-economic discontent that upended the wider Middle East.

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