Siloe Ministries

Dear Friend,

We hope that your summer has been as eventful and memorable as ours. It has been a while since we updated our friends and supporters about what's going on with our medical ministry in Baja, Mexico—so before the days grow shorter and (slightly) cooler, we thought we should bring you up to speed!

Siloe in 2014

2014: A year of change, a year of growth

Thus far, 2014 has been our most fruitful and exciting year since we started Siloé Ministries six years ago. We are definitely in a season of growth and change, having formed new partnerships, welcomed new volunteers, and expanded our medical and health-based ministry to impact more families and communities in northern Baja. Here are a few highlights:

  • Having seen 1,024 patients thus far in 2014, we are on pace to treat significantly more people in our community clinic than in any previous year.
  • More than 150 short-term volunteers have served alongside Siloé Ministries this year through specialist medical care, health education, Christian outreaches in migrant communities, and a summer soccer camp.
  • We will sadly say goodbye to our nurse, Kristin, this fall after 3 dedicated years of volunteer service... she will be missed. But we look forward to welcoming two new longterm volunteers to the team in September!

Felicia's Baptism

Partnering with local government

Sometimes God opens a door when we least expect it! Just last week we were honored to host a women's health initiative at our clinic sponsored by the Ensenada Department of Health ("Servicios Medicos Municipales"). A team of government doctors, nurses, and even a veterinarian spent the day screening for cancer and educating our community. The public health agency is looking to partner with Siloé in future medical and health-education endeavors—and we are excited to see how God will use this connection to further our ministry in Baja.

View photos of the event on Facebook.

Mayer family summer 2012

Building a home for our nurse

Though we have no intention to expand our ministry into homebuilding (we'll stick to healthcare!), we have embraced a unique opportunity to meet an acute housing need for our Mexican nurse, Miriam, and her family. Having served with Siloé since our founding six years ago, Miriam and her family (seven of them altogether) face possible eviction from their current home due to her husband's difficult employment situation. With a little funding and lots of faith, we are helping to sponsor and build their family a home designed by Miriam's father—with bricks that he has made by hand!

This is a project rooted in love and community, and we'd love you to join us. Want to help fund this worthy project or bring a work group? Check out our blog for more information.

Siloe Expansion Video

Expansion update

We have learned several important lessons about faith and waiting for God's perfect timing since announcing our expansion plans last year. Due to a series of circumstances beyond our control, our planned land purchase for the future site of Siloé Clinic has been repeatedly delayed. Buying land in Mexico is tricky, and thankfully we've had excellent legal counsel that has helped us avoid some painful mistakes along the way.

The good news is that the legal hurdles have been cleared and we are very nearly ready to sign papers on a perfectly-situated property in the heart of our community. And thanks to your steadfast support, we have raised nearly $100,000 for the expansion project! We can't wait to announce when we are ready to break ground, and you can be sure that you'll be among the first to know!

We welcome your support of Siloé's expansion project—check out our website for more information and opportunities to get involved in this exciting endeavor!

Felicia's Baptism

Stay connected with Siloé

We are admittedly not the best at sending regular updates about our life and ministry to supporters—family life with three little girls and an expanding healthcare mission makes it hard to keep up! So until our next newsletter, we invite you to check out the Siloé blog and "like" our Facebook page where we post frequent updates. You can also visit our website to make an online donation.

May God richly bless you!

Con mucho amor,

Brendan & Sarah Mayer

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Siloé Ministries

501(c)(3) organization |