BuildingLink Newsletter
Issue #5 | September 27, 2011
Over 1100 subscribing buildings covering 220,000 apartments across 22 states | 877.501.7117 |
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Revisiting BuildingLink’s Emergency Broadcast System
Set It, and Forget It. We Do the Rest.

Hurricane Irene...there’s nothing like a good old-fashioned Category 3 Hurricane to remind us of how valuable and even life-saving our reliable Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) really is. Introduced first in 2008, and always ready since then to spring into action for any sudden emergency, the EBS is easy to overlook day-to-day, because of its zero-maintenance, set-it-and-forget-it design. (The EBS database updates itself every night with all the latest BuildingLink resident contact info, automatically taking into account move-ins, move-outs and other changes, and without any manager attention or effort.) The zero-maintenance feature is at the very heart of what makes it so useful – because sudden emergencies happen SUDDENLY, and with no forewarning. But when they happen – well, your emergency communication system better be fully ready to go, or it might as well take a seat.

So as Hurricane Irene blew her way up the eastern seaboard (in what we east-coasters would consider a serious hurricane) and the media predicted wide-spread flooding, damage, and evacuations, our EBS really got to step out of the shadows and show off its stuff! In the mere two days before Irene’s arrival, an astonishing 57,000 phone calls and 163,000 emails were seamlessly sent out by the EBS on behalf of more than 114 different BuildingLink client buildings/properties from Virginia to Boston.

Now that we have finished examining our performance statistics for those hectic few days, we’re proud to say that the system kept up with the demand quite nicely. Our scalable architecture….scaled! And throughout, property managers were able -- with the touch of a few keys and the click of a mouse-- to communicate instantaneously with thousands of people in thousands of locations.

Yet perhaps more interesting than the sheer quantity of messages and calls sent, is the diversity of the unique individual situations that arose – the “stories” behind the Story. EBS phone call/email stories ranged from pre-storm preparation notifications regarding securing outdoor terrace furniture, to mid-storm sudden health-and-safety notifications like helping residents navigate their way around flooded and stuck elevators, and finally to post-storm messages such as “all clear to return” broadcasts sent to displaced residents in mandatory-evacuation zones.

So in other words, while we are glad that our EBS system delivered to you the power that was needed, we are also glad that it found its way into the hands of so many capable BuildingLink-enabled property managers who deployed it so effectively in getting just the right amount of information, at just the right times, to all the right people. Thank you for making our technology look so good!

(For those of you who are not currently subscribers of the BuildingLink Emergency Broadcast System, may we remind you once again, that sudden emergencies happen SUDDENLY? Are you sure you don’t have time to call us today?)

New Feature: Customize your Automatic Email Notifications,
so They Can Work Smarter and Better for You:

Did you know…

You can now insert customized text into the body of your residents’ notification emails, to provide additional instructions or useful information tailored to that specific event type and how your property operates. For example:

  • As part of your parcel receipt notice, you can also inform residents of the package room hours and what they can do for after-hours access.
  • For perishable food delivery notices, you can advise on where they will be stored, what will be done with them if they are not picked up promptly, and how they are expected to be marked.
  • For contractors/visitors notifications, you can remind residents of their responsibility to ensure the proper behavior of their guests

These are just a few examples of ways in which you can fine-tune your notifications. Your residents will appreciate that you took the time to tell them the whole story – answering their relevant questions even before they were asked!

Upcoming Trade Shows!

Please Stop By if You're in the Neighborhood:

We’ll be exhibiting at the NMHC Student Housing Conference (Booth #207) in Phoenix, Arizona from October 3rd-4th. You can also find us in Edison, NJ on October 22nd, at the annual CAI-NJ Expo (Booth #216).

Coming Up in Next Month’s Newsletter

BuildingLink’s New FLEX Interface empowers you to morph your public/package display monitors into a comprehensive digital signage solution for your property! Stay tuned…

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