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Conference Newsletter, Day 3

Mustapha Nabli (The Central Bank, Tunisia) began plenary 3 by stating “these have been wild months – our own Mediterranean tsunami”, but what next for new emerging democracies across the Arab region? Nabli outlined a number of key proponents that might ensure the sustainability of the democratic movements in Egypt and Tunisia (more).

The events currently underway in Libya have had their effect on the psyche of Tarik Yousef. He declared, “that for over 40 years I have possessed no sense of national pride, until now. Now I feel like telling the world I am Libyan – I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the young people who have brought about this awakening”


Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsys of the report, focusing on the motivations behind the choice of this year topic, and the recommendations that the report puts forward (more).

Inspired by the recent developments in the Arab region, the third plenary session of the ERF 17th Annual Conference explored the drivers and dynamics of political and economic transformation, with a special focus on the ERF region. The session was moderated by Susanne Szabo, Director, Social and Economic Policy, at the Canadian International Development Research Center. (more). 

Born to be Alive? Return Migration and the Survival of Entrepreneurial Activities in Egypt. Francesca Marchetta from Robert Schuman Centre (EUI), Centre d’Etude et de Recherches sur le Development International (CERDI) participated in the ERF 17th Annual Conference. Francesca presented a paper on the survival of entrepreneurial activities particularly role of migration activities (more).


erflatest #jan25 #erf2011

تتم الان مناقشة مستقبل المنطقة العربية من قبل مجموعة من الأكاديميين المتخصصين


ZeinabSabet: Lesson learned from recent uprisings in Arab region: “one man can make a difference” (e.g. Bouazizi in Tunisia) Tarik Yousef #erf2011 #jan25


Abdlatif Al-Hamad, ERF

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