Editor's note

As women in Nigeria, Ghana, Togo and Benin get older, they are more able to make decisions independently of men. This is particularly the case if they belong to an ethnic group that practices voodoo - a religion that spread across West Africa with the expansion of the Dahomey kingdom in the 17th century - and if they are menopaused. Marijke Verpoorten and Alidou Sahawal attribute this age “dividend” to beliefs in magic and religion.

The Ebola outbreak in the DRC has been raging on since August 2018. More than 1000 cases have been confirmed and almost 700 people have died. This is the second worst Ebola outbreak ever reported and it is spreading faster than ever. Jacqueline Weyer breaks down the scale of the problem.

Moina Spooner

Commissioning Editor: East Africa

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