Dear , The Partnership and Capacity Strengthening team in PIQA is excited to announce an important partnership opportunity coming your way
12-19 July, 2017. “Perfecting Partnership 2017: Theory Meets Real World”
is a highly intensive skill-strengthening and community building event for those of you who are seriously ready to ‘kick up’ the quality of your work with our partners. Participants will be selected through a competitive process. With mentoring and support, graduates will go on to become champions of partnership and capacity strengthening (P/CS) in CRS. This is not just another training! You are invited to apply and compete for a place in this select
group—please read on for more details. Why are we ‘kicking it up’ to another level?
CRS’ ability to work effectively with a growing range of diverse partners determines how successfully we deliver humanitarian and development aid. Many of you are already strong in partnership and capacity strengthening, are eager to further develop your professional capabilities and position yourselves for career growth. Since the launch of the
Institute for Capacity Strengthening, over 1,500 staff and partners have completed Level One P/CS courses, resulting in a cohort of practitioners interested in honing those skills. Perfecting Partnership 2017 is the next step! Perfecting Partnership 2017
is a flagship experience that allows intermediate level P/CS practitioners to enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities in core P/CS competencies. The demanding training will dive deep into current and emerging topics, challenges and tools and leverage peer-to-peer learning. The highly participatory event will cover topics such as working with Church and government partners, practical solutions to vexing partnership challenges, helping partners improve their business processes and program quality, techniques for having difficult conversations with partners, and mentoring other CRS staff in P/CS. The Perfecting Partnership 2017
experience will be rewarding and it will not end in July. If you are selected, you will join a group of practitioners who will continue to be mentored throughout the year, a cadre of specialists around the world. Together you will form a vibrant and supportive community of practice that will strengthen the quality of our work with partners, as well as position CRS as a leader in the P/CS sector. The Seven Steps of Planning
provides more detail about the event, its purpose and the participant profile. We are looking for staff who work well with partners and are committed to improving their work, who are not afraid to try new techniques and share their expertise, and who are eager to commit to a one-year process of learning and sharing with experts and their peers. The application process
The competitive process has six steps between now and April 2017 (see below). At each step, P/CS PIQA staff will review submissions and select candidates for continuation, and they will share final selection information by 14 April. If you meet the criteria of the profile, and if you have a strong interest in joining a select group of your peers to help lead CRS’ Perfecting Partnership
efforts, please apply. Steps - First - Complete the initial application by 22 December: click here for the Perfecting Partnership 2017 SharePoint page and click on the
Application button
to complete the initial application
- Second - If you have not already done so, please complete all three Level One P/CS courses by 3 March
- Third - Participate in one of a series of informational webinars in early January that explains the Perfecting Partnership 2017 experience and what is expected of candidates
- Fourth - Complete the first challenge by 9 January: responding to a series of questions that will
be posted on the Perfecting Partnership 2017 page
- Fifth - Complete the second challenge by 3 February: reviewing other applicants’ biographical data and forming a partnership based on shared experience, skills or interests
- Sixth - Submit the final application packet by 3 March: respond to final questions and obtain the approval of your supervisor
Thanks in advance for your interest in
Perfecting Partnership 2017: Theory Meets Real World scheduled for 12-29 July 2017.
The Partnership and Capacity Strengthening team