We have become aware that recent CP3 exam candidates have heard that there has been a further review and are questioning whether their result changed as result of this. During the appeals window it was identified that the policy of marking and implementing the criteria for rescaling the pass mark had not been correctly implemented.
As a consequence of this, a request was submitted to the CP3 examining team to carry out a script review on a number of exam scripts which were below, but close to, the revised pass mark. Following on from this a number of candidates were identified as having met the pass standard and they were advised immediately. Having now completed that script review process we have identified that there are a number of candidates for whom the final outcome remains the same but where the final awarded mark has remained unchanged or moved either up or down. We can confirm that no candidate has moved from a pass to fail.
Those candidates who were affected by the script review have been contacted. We want to reassure you that this does not affect any of the other results released. The IFoA would like to offer our sincere apologies for this error. We strive to maintain the highest professional standards in operating our qualification process but on this occasion we have fallen short of our own requirements.