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Barwon South-West Ag news
Thursday 24 October 2019
In this edition
  • Photosensitisation in cattle and sheep
  • Early weaning of lambs in a drought
  • Making sure your animals are fit to load
  • Digital advance cuts red tape for Victoria's dairy farmers
  • Have your say on sheep and goat levy
  • Tapping into Victorian craft produce
  • On-farm emergency water infrastructure rebate scheme
  • Look over the farm gate grants
  • What's on?
Photosensitisation in cattle and sheep

With sunny weather and the green feed of spring, livestock producers are likely to see an increased incidence of photosensitisation in cattle and sheep.

The term photosensitivity refers to an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light and resembles a bad case of sunburn.

When grazing lush green feed, cattle and sheep take in large amounts of the plant pigment, chlorophyl.

After the pigment is digested and absorbed, it passes to the blood from where it is normally filtered by the liver, broken down and passed out of the body.

If an excessive amount of chlorophyl is consumed its end products may not be fully removed and they can build up to high levels in the blood.

This may also happen if the liver function is impaired in some way, for example, by liver fluke damage or damage from certain toxic plants such as heliotrope. There are other plants eaten by stock which have high levels of preformed photosensitising pigments. An example in the north east is St. John's Wort.

The pigment can accumulate in the surface layers of the skin, and the interaction between the pigment and ultraviolet light results in a burn-like effect in the skin. This happens on uncoloured, less hairy areas of the skin such as the unpigmented skin and teats of cattle and the ears and nose of sheep.

In the early stages of photosensitivity affected animals become agitated due to the burning sensation in their skin.

Affected animals will shake their heads, rub against trees and kick at their bellies in an attempt to relieve the pain. Their ears may become swollen and droopy and will seek shade during the day.

Photosensitivity can be severe enough to put an animal into shock which can be fatal.

On many occasions farmers only see the end results of photosensitivity where the affected skin begins to lift off as a result of the damage the burn has caused.

If detected in the early stages, antihistamines may help. There are ointments available for darkening teats which can be particularly useful for dairy cattle.

Affected animals should be moved into shaded areas and taken off green feed.

For further advice please contact your local veterinarian or Agriculture Victoria veterinary or animal health officer, or in NSW your Local Land Services.

Early weaning of lambs in a drought

The feed requirements of ewes with lambs at foot are generally higher than when ewes and lambs are fed separately. In a difficult season with reduced feed supplies, it can be more economical to early-wean lambs from their mothers to lower feed costs and ensure that the ewes regain condition before joining.

This practice becomes even more important as the costs of feeds increase. Ewe's milk provides the main source of nutrition for lambs until about eight weeks of age.

Lambs will sample pasture from about two weeks after birth and by eight weeks of age, pasture overtakes milk as the major portion of their diet with milk contributing around 10 per cent of the nutrient's lambs require therefore little nutritional benefit is gained by leaving them with their mothers after this time.

To wean lambs early

  • Lambs should be 8-10 weeks of age, minimum of 10 kilograms (kg) liveweight
  • They should be marked and vaccinated. If they have been recently mulesed, allow four weeks to recover before weaning to avoid setback
  • ‘Train’ them to eat grain while still with their mothers (weaners should be well adapted in drought years due to the ewes being supplemented with grain during lactation).

Benefits of early weaning

  • Feed cost savings – the requirements of a ewe with a lamb is higher, about three dry sheep equivalents (DSE), than the requirements of a ewe and lamb separately (1.8DSE)
  • Flexibility for ewes – ewes can be fed maintenance rations, placed on poorer feed paddocks, sold or agisted
  • Ewes have a longer time to regain condition before next joining – ewes will take a month and a half to regain one condition score on pastures with a Food On Offer (FOO) of 1500 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha). Until the lambs are weaned, ewes will continue to lose weight on this level of feed. Ewes need to be in condition score 3 by joining to achieve optimum lambing percentages
  • Pastures have a better chance to re-establish and grow ahead of grazing stock
  • Worms – lambs have a lower worm burden, as worm control can be provided earlier, and they won’t be grazing the pasture being contaminated by their mothers for as long.

Management of early weaned lambs

Weaners are often your replacements in the breeding flock. What happens to your weaners now will affect their lifetime liveweight, wool production and future reproductive performance.

It is important to optimise conditions for your growing weaners. To optimise future production from weaners, aim for crossbred lambs at 30kg liveweight and merino lambs at 20 kg liveweight before summer and attain a condition score of 2.

During dry seasonal conditions, lambs under 20kg at weaning and those losing weight post weaning are at increased risk of mortality so it's vital to optimise growing conditions for these stock to mitigate this risk.

Vaccinate at weaning for the main clostridial diseases, pulpy kidney, tetanus and cheesy gland; following label directions. It’s essential to provide this booster vaccine at weaning as the dose given at lamb marking won’t be effective without the booster. Pulpy kidney is probably the most threatening disease for a weaner, particularly when they are to be fed high grain supplements or grazed on unharvested crops. Cheesy gland and tetanus are also important.

Provide high energy and high protein feed to ensure lambs keep growing. Weaned lambs require about 11 megajoules (MJ) of energy and 16.5-20 per cent crude protein in the diet for maintenance and growth. This can be provided from high energy and high protein grain supplements or commercial lamb pellets.

Lambs that are weaned early and appear weak may grow better on commercial milk replacer pellets until there is sufficient pasture available. Provide small amounts of the feed (100 g/ewe) at least three times prior to weaning to ‘imprint feed’ the lambs while still on their mothers and train the lambs to consume the ration and allow the rumen to adapt to the new feed type. 

Closely observe all the lambs are eating the supplement prior to weaning, if not you will need to extend the imprint feeding period, which will depend on current pasture available, milk from the ewe and the type of grain being fed.

Weaners should be fed a minimum of two to three times per week. Initial feeding rates should start at 25 grams (g) per head/day and increased slowly to achieve a minimum growth rate of 1 to 2kg / month in the weaners. Weaners will benefit from grazing green feed for as long as possible during spring.

A paddock with a FOO of 800-1000kg/ha will be sufficient to provide growth (this equates to 80 per cent green cover at one centimetre or 50 per cent cover at 3-4 centimetres). Where insufficient pasture is available, continue to provide adequate supplement in the paddock.

Monitor your weaners

Weighing a group of 50 weaners from the mob every two weeks will give a good indication if the feeding rate is adequate. Weaners should be gaining at least 30g/head/day and up to a potential of 200g/head/day until the start of summer.

Weighing lambs at weaning and calculating the required daily body weight gain to reach 30 kg or above by the end of November will help to determine whether your feeding program will be sufficient to optimise weaner survival over summer.

Lambs have a greater potential to gain weight when they are younger, so it is better to grow them as soon possible after weaning.

Feed types for weaners

Spring pasture growth should provide sufficient energy and protein for the weaners. Be aware that quality of pastures declines rapidly after flowering and continues to decline as the pastures 'hay off'.

After the pastures have dried, the quality is usually too low for weaner growth and they will need supplements to maintain growth. From wilting, start to feed weaners 25g/head/day of supplement to continue a gradual increase in liveweight. Continue to monitor a group of weaners for body weight gain.

Weaners around 15kg liveweight require a diet of 16.5 - 20 per cent crude protein and a minimum of 6.5 metabolisable energy (ME)/day for growth.

Their requirements vary depending on the weight and target growth rate. High protein sources such as lupins, faba beans, pellets and some cereals are recommended. 

Cereal grains can be used as part of the supplement if high protein sources are in short supply. For example, wheat can be fed as two thirds of the ration along with a high protein source. Feed testing is recommended to determine nutritive value of feed on-hand or purchased in. 

Remember to introduce cereal grains gradually to all sheep to reduce the risk of acidosis. This can be achieved by increasing grain supplements in small increments of about 50g every two days over 14-21 days.

Gradual introduction to different types of grains is also recommended (for example oats to barley or wheat). Provide the highest quality roughage available (pasture or hay) to stock during the process of introducing grain into their diet.

There are also some very good quality commercial pellets now available for weaners. Choose pellets with more than 12MJ of energy per kilogram of dry matter and more than 15 per cent crude protein for weaners to ensure their requirements for growth can be met.

Parasites can seriously reduce weaner growth rates and survival during the spring and summer months. Weaners should be treated for worms at weaning time, using an effective drench, before turning the newly weaned lambs onto a 'low worm' pasture. Worm egg counts after pasture senescence will determine if you need to drench your weaners again in summer.

Weaners also require a cool, clean water supply, especially as the pastures dry out and the hot summer months arrive. Salt levels in water must be below 6,000 parts per million (ppm), or 1100 milli Siemens per metre (mS/m) for weaners to drink. Lot fed or confinement fed weaners require better quality water, up to 900mS/m. Poor quality water will reduce water intake; resulting in reduced affecting feed intake and growth.

Creep feeding

Creep feeding of lambs provides an alternative to early weaning during difficult seasons and is especially important when the lambs are too young or weak to be early-weaned from their mothers.

This method of ewe and lamb management provides less flexibility for ewe management but may be necessary when the ewes are in poor condition during lactation and/or the lambs are too young or weak to wean off their mothers at an early age.

Creep feeding involves the provision of high energy and high protein feed supplements to lambs while they are still with their mothers.

There are several quality commercial milk pellets on the market to suit young lambs. Creep feeders consist of enclosures with vertical bars that are constructed to allow lambs to access the high-quality feed, while denying access to their mothers. The spacings of the vertical bars should allow access for the lambs but the spacings should be too narrow for the ewes to enter.

Further security for the feed can be provided by placing a horizontal bar at a height taller than the lambs, but smaller than the height of the ewes.

Tips for creep feeding

  • 'Training' the lambs to accept the feed is hastened by feeding some of the pellets initially in a trail with their mothers. The lambs will learn to recognise the pellets as a feed source much earlier if fed with their mothers
  • The creep feeder should be placed near the main campsite of the flock (and/or near the trail feed area for the ewes) so the lambs have constant access. It’s important to continue to supplement the ewes while creep feeding the lambs, as the lambs will still be obtaining some milk from their mothers
  • There may be some risk of soil erosion around the creep feeder, so gravel may need to be applied around the base
  • Creep feeding provides an alternative management strategy for feeding small, young or weak lambs and also assists the ewes by reducing the energy demands of the lambs.

For more information about managing during drought and dry seasonal conditions go to

Further reading: Drought Feeding and Management of Sheep, a guide for farmers and land managers 2018.

Making sure your animals are fit to load
MLA Fit to load

Preparation for transport of livestock is a key element of the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program - making sure your animals are fit to load.

For more information on the auditable animal welfare requirements under LPA can be found here.

Watch this new video from MLA which explains best practice animal welfare when preparing, loading and delivering livestock, or you can download the Is the animal fit to load guide.

Digital advance cuts red tape for Victoria's dairy farmers

A new digital regulatory system will boost efficiency and food safety standards in the Victorian dairy industry while helping to strengthen global competitiveness in the sector.

Launched this week at the Dairy RegTech 2022 model at Dairy Food Safety Victoria’s annual general meeting, with a $500,000 investment from the Victorian Government to pilot the program which reduces the regulatory burden for dairy licensees and supports dairy education initiatives.

The pioneering model uses digital data collection and analytics to monitor the food safety performance of dairy businesses and has been designed in collaboration with the Victorian dairy industry to ensure global best practice in dairy regulation.

Anyone involved in the production of dairy products in Victoria is required to have a licence and comply with specific conditions. For many licensees, this involves an audit process which focuses on reviewing paper records.

The new digital model will support a proactive approach to meeting regulatory requirements and will include education and incentives to promote a positive food safety culture.

Dairy Food Safety Victoria is currently working with manufacturers and will kick off the new model with the farming sector from next year.

The dairy industry is worth $1.9 billion to Victoria – as the country’s largest dairy exporter, we produce 79 per cent of Australia’s dairy exports.

The Victorian Government is committed to supporting Victoria’s dairy industry, which is an important part of the state’s $14.1 billion agriculture sector and a key component of our plan to grow the sector to $20 billion by 2030.

Have your say on sheep and goat levy

The closing date for input on the duty paid by sheep and goat producers has been extended until 31 October.

Sheep and goat producers and industry are invited to have their say on the future amount of the state’s sheep and goat duty, which is under review.

The duty, charged on the sale of sheep and goats in Victoria, was set at 12 cents in 1999 and has remained at that rate since.

Currently, the funds support projects and program benefitting industry, such as raising awareness of biosecurity practices. The Sheep and Goat Compensation Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Minister for Agriculture about expenditure. The fund also allows for compensation to be paid to producers for sheep and goats in the circumstance they are affected by a declared endemic disease.

This review comes on the back of the sheep and goat industry going through major reform, having transitioned from a mob-based identification process to an electronic identification system over the last few years.

There are six options provided for the ongoing sheep and goat duty amount.

For more information on the consultation and to submit your feedback, visit here.

Tapping into Victorian craft produce

The Victorian Government is backing Victoria’s small-scale and craft producers to grow – creating new jobs and attracting more visitors from interstate and overseas to enjoy our locally-made food, beer and spirits.

The government is encouraging all small-scale producers across Victoria to apply.

Two streams of funding are available under the new program:

  • Stream One – Small-scale and Craft Business Development: Grants up to $25,000 are available to eligible small-scale and craft producers for projects that support businesses to scale up, expand their operations and diversify their products – with applications closing on 6 December.
  • Stream Two – Job Creation and Economic Development: Grants of $25,000-$200,000 will go to eligible small scale and craft agribusinesses for significant projects that will deliver benefits to the community and generate jobs. Projects involving multiple businesses are particularly encouraged to apply, with Expressions of Interest, which close on 31 December.

The launch this week happened at King River Brewing which is a family-owned craft brewery based in the King Valley that produce small batch and preservative-free boutique beer. It has an onsite taproom giving visitors an opportunity to taste the range of beers available as well as serving up wood-fired pizzas.

The brewery produces a range of beer styles, ranging from light and easy drinking Kolsch and Pale Ale to more complex styles like Belgian Tripel and Doppelbock. The brewery is also known for its seasonal beers such as the Fig Porter that often sell out within weeks.

This new program follows on from the successful Artisanal Sector Program, which delivered grants to businesses in Victoria’s highly valued and diverse artisanal produce sector, helping them grow production, enhance their farmers’ market potential and take their local produce to the world.

King River Brewing was one of 248 recipients in the Artisanal Sector Program, receiving $5,000 to enclose the brewery and install a climate control system, in order to enable year-round manufacturing of their beers.

Victoria is renowned for its premium produce and the Government is proud to support agricultural businesses that not only provide unique specialty produce, but create jobs, attract tourism and ensure regional communities are vibrant destinations to live and visit.

To find out more about the program, eligibility requirements and to apply, visit

Leadership and mentoring program
Leadership and Mentoring Program Apply Now

Do you want to improve your leadership skills? The Victorian Rural Women’s Network offers funded places for eligible rural Victorian women on highly regarded leadership and mentoring programs.

Funded places are available to Victorian-based rural women who are connected to agriculture or the agriculture supply chain.

The network is proud to partner with four program providers:

  • Victorian Office for Women
  • The Observership Program
  • Regional Leadership
  • Leadership Victoria.

Which program is for you? The Victorian Rural Women’s Leadership and Mentoring Program is designed for rural Victorian women at every stage of their leadership journey, from emerging to experienced leaders.

In 2020, funded places will be available on five programs. Applications are open now for the 2020 intake.

For more information and details see here.

On-farm emergency water infrastructure rebate scheme

The On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme is now available for the purchase and installation of emergency water infrastructure for livestock.

The scheme is available to eligible farm businesses in the following local government areas: Benalla, Campaspe, East Gippsland, Gannawarra, Greater Bendigo, Greater Shepparton, Loddon, Moira, Strathbogie, Swan Hill, Wellington, Northern Grampians, Mildura, Wodonga, Alpine, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack, Towong, Buloke, Horsham, and Indigo.

Farm businesses outside of the above local government areas can make an application if they can demonstrate a critical water need for livestock resulting from current seasonal conditions. These applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The scheme is available for water infrastructure purchased since 1 July 2018 – guidelines and application details can be obtained from Rural Finance, call 1800 260 425 or visit

Look Over the Farm Gate grants

Farmers and communities facing drought and dry conditions across northern and north west Victoria should apply now for funding under the Look Over the Farm Gate Program.

Look Over the Farm Gate events are an opportunity for farmers to take a break from the farm, reconnect with their community, access professional support and participate in mental health training.

You know what your community needs, so we encourage community groups to think creatively about what single event or series of events would be most effective.

It could be anything from a barbeque and comedy night, regular fitness meet-ups in the park, or a family movie night.

Look Over the Farm Gate is a mental health and wellbeing initiative funded by the Victorian Government and managed by the Victorian Farmers Federation in partnership with the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Country Women’s Association, Country Fire Authority, and National Centre for Farmer Health.

Applications are still being accepted for events and are assessed on a first in best dressed basis.

For more information about eligibility and how to apply, visit the website at

What's on?

Agriculture Victoria will cancel workshops on Code Red fire danger days

Transitioning to temporary feed areas

Transitioning your cows onto a temporary feed area or sacrifice paddock over summer? Get your set up right for the benefit of your herd and your bottom line.

Speakers from Agriculture Victoria and Murray Dairy will present on:

  • Regulations around temporary feed areas/sacrifice paddocks
  • Available grants to support your transition
  • Preventing and managing animal health issues
  • Maintaining high standards of animal welfare, including combatting heat stress
  • Meeting stock water needs
  • Minimising feed wastage
  • Nutritional considerations.

Venue Nick Ryan’s farm, 1223 Davies Rd, Lancaster
Date Monday 28 October 
Time 10:30am – 2pm including lunch
RSVP 0499 220 027 or
RSVPs are essential

For more information call Murray Dairy on (03) 5833 5312.

Stepping back or exiting workshop

Stepping back or leaving the industry? Have a plan to transition or exit the industry smoothly and on your own terms.

Do you know what options you have? Come along and explore the next steps of transition or family succession.

This workshop is for farm owners considering reducing their level of active farm involvement or leave the industry and for those that are wanting to step up in the farm business.

This one-day workshop is designed to be interactive and will cover:

  • Helping participants identify strategies to achieve their succession and retirement vision
  • Planning for the transfer of farm business management and ownership using suitable business structures
  • Starting the process of developing a ‘game plan’ to ensure a smoother succession transition
  • Use of real farm case studies.

Facilitator: Daryl Poole, environmental and agricultural consultant from RMCG.

RSVP is a must, lunch will be provided, so please contact Melva Tyson at Murray Dairy on 0439 667 425.

Date Wednesday 30 October from 10.30 am to 3.00 pm 
Venue Agriculture Victoria, 255 Ferguson Rd, Tatura.

Ky NLIS workshop
Kyabram NLIS Database Workshop

Agriculture Victoria is conducting hands-on workshops for producers using the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database. There will be a workshop at Kyabram Fauna Park on Thursday, 31 October from 10am – 3pm.

Participants will learn how to update their Property Identification Code (PIC) details, complete a Property-to-Property (P2P) transfer and use the database features.

Topics will include

  • Setting up, navigating and using the NLIS database
  • Updating your Property Identification Code (PIC) details
  • Completing Property-to-Property (P2P) transfers on the NLIS database

Sessions include catering, please provide dietary requirements at registration.

To book your free tickets online, go to then select NLIS Database Practical Workshop - Kyabram.

For more information, or if you have trouble registering, please call (03) 5761 1647.

Numbers are limited to allow for a hands-on practical session, so be quick to secure a spot!

Please arrive from 9.30 am to allow time to set up your laptop and get connected. Computers will be provided on the day or you can bring along your own laptop. Participants are required to set up their NLIS account prior to attending the workshop, information will be provided at registration.

Future Business Risk Management Workshop – Goulburn Valley

You are invited to attend APAL Future Business workshop being held at Tatura on Friday 8 November from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm.

This workshop will be examining risks and obligations facing business owners and managers in the pome industry.

This workshop will explore the key components of risk, looking at existing business risks and how to mitigate them. There will be an opportunity to explore who owns and controls specific data and information and how financial reporting and strategy play a role in effective management.

The presenters will touch on a range of topics including:

  • practical applications that promote ease of reporting and processes;
  • the key components of risk
  • current risks to business
  • how to prepare for and mitigate risk
  • the responsibility on health and safety
  • internal controls
  • environmental impacts and
  • an opportunity in the industry to share risk through the creation of a Discretionary Mutual Fund.

Location – Agriculture Victoria, 255 Ferguson Road, Tatura. For further information call APAL on (03) 9329 3511

To register go to

Spring Future Orchards® Walk – Goulburn Valley
Orchard workshop

This spring, join APAL as we take a stroll through Jeftomson’s Coomboona orchard and hear from global experts on how you can utilise agri-technology to maximize production, improve fruit quality, and optimise labour to remain competitive.

Don’t miss the opportunity of seeing up-close the Swarmbot Indigo being demonstrated in the field at Jeftomson orchard.

Being spring, the field session will also discuss and demonstrate the latest knowledge regarding the critical spring tasks particularly thinning.

For further information contact APAL Northern Victorian Front Line Adviser Michael Crisera on 0427 239 871 or

Date and time – Friday 8 November from 8:00 am – 11:30 am
Location – Jeftomson Orchard, 480 Trotter Road, Coomboona.

Fodder conservation field day
fodder field day

Are you looking at conserving fodder this season? Come along to our on-farm field day on Thursday 7 November in the Corryong area.

Topics will include:

  • assessment of standing fodder
  • conserving dry matter, energy and protein
  • feed test interpretation
  • nutrient removal.

The location will be confirmed upon registration. Lunch will be provided.

Please register by Wednesday 6 November by contacting Upper Murray Landcare Network on (02) 6072 7502 or

This activity is supported by North East CMA, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare program and Agriculture Victoria.

Agriculture Energy Investment Plan webinars
AEIP webinars

Investment plan expert Peter Harrison will be explaining the Agriculture Energy Investment Plan assessment and grant application process, including an overview of streamlined dairy grants, on two webinars being held on Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November.

Grants will be provided on a dollar-for-dollar cash co-contribution basis. Recipients are required to contribute at least 50 per cent of the total cash costs of the project.

For more information on the Agriculture Energy Investment Plan visit

Please register for one of these 30-minute webinars below.

Thursday 31 October, 12.00 pm to 12.30 pm register at

Friday 1 November, 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm register at

For more information please contact Sarah Clack at Agriculture Victoria Tatura on (03) 5824 5502 or

Small-scale pig and poultry workshops

Agriculture Victoria is hosting a series of free workshops to help new and existing small-scale pig and poultry producers prepare a land use planning permit application.

Attending participants will be eligible for the supporting grants program offering up to $3,000 for expenses related to on-farm works, consultancy, or training that supports the preparation of a land use planning permit application.

These workshops will provide information and advice on:

  • Planning requirements
  • Property development, locality and nutrient management plans and
  • Identification of site improvements needed to support planning permit applications.


  • Lismore Thursday, 7 November
  • Benalla Tuesday 12 November
  • Broadford Tuesday 19 November.

Webinar (Online) Thursday 21 and 28 November 12.30 – 2.30pm (must attend both dates to qualify)

Face-to-face workshops run 9:15am – 3pm.

Lunch will be provided, so please indicate any dietary allergies on registering.

If these locations do not suit your needs, be sure to register an expression of interest (link below) so we can hold our next workshops at a location convenient to you.

Pre-workshop preparation
Agriculture Victoria may contact registered participants to determine property specific details prior to the workshop. This will allow us to provide participants with farm maps and/or aerial images.

Please register via Eventbrite at:

For more information email Ann McDowell at or 0436 934 343.

NLIS Database – two-part webinar 11 and 18 November

Agriculture Victoria is delivering a two-part webinar for producers using the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database. 

Participants will learn how to complete a Property-to-Property (P2P) transfer and use the database features.

Topics include: Setting up, navigating and using the NLIS database and Completing Property-to-Property (P2P) transfers on the NLIS database.

Book your free tickets online at: then select ‘NLIS Database Practical Workshop – Webinar’

For more information, or if you have trouble registering, please call (03) 5761 1647.

Numbers are limited to allow for an interactive session, so be quick to secure a spot!

APAL Grower Research and Development Update

Connect with more than 80 growers, agronomists and scientists to explore the latest research findings from the world of pome fruit.

Refreshed as a standalone event in 2019, the program is dedicated to share the latest research projects, focusing on orchard management techniques to lift production and improve fruit quality.

On day two, we are teaming up with Future Business to hold their first workshop ‘Powerful changes secure cost savings’.

High-calibre agenda: World-renowned researchers and fellow growers will challenge your thinking on your orchard management techniques.

Unparalleled networking: Held at the iconic MCG, connect with growers and researchers throughout the day and enjoy a behind the scenes tour, finishing up with a drink at the Stumps Bar.

News you can use: The packed agenda will provide you with the R&D insights and first-hand perspectives to drive change in your orchard.

Key topics:

  • Transforming your orchard irrigation with sensors and monitoring
  • How soil characteristics can improve water and nutrient use efficiency
  • Water efficiency and techniques for a sustainable future
  • Securing pollination through revegetation
  • Biodiversity of pollinators in Apple orchards
  • Pollination in protected cropping – learnings from NZ
  • What you can do now to improve pollination and what you need to start thinking about to safeguard your business into the future
  • Tatura Smart Farm – introduction to the Sundial experimental orchard
  • Precision automation, the new frontier for crop loading
  • Making sense of AI, machine learning, and data science
  • The pros and cons of protective netting
  • Combating codling moth with the mastrus wasp
  • Real-time monitoring for the presence and location of fruit fly
  • Cold chain disinfestation and quality management for market access
  • Preparing for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug.

Date and time – Wednesday 13 November from 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Location Melbourne Cricket Ground – Legends Room, Brunton Avenue, Richmond
For more information call (03) 9329 3511
To register go to

GrazFert – nutrient planning for farmers
GrazFert Program - Ovens / King Valley region

GrazFert is a farm nutrient management program that enables livestock farmers to make better fertiliser decisions.

It provides an opportunity for farmers to access independent support and advice to optimise their soil management with information on interpreting soil tests, minimising nutrient losses, reducing soil acidity and maximising the economic returns from fertiliser and lime inputs.

What’s involved:

  • Farm visit to collect two soil samples to assess a range of soil parameters including nutrients, pH and cationexchange capacity
  • Preparation of a nutrient management plan by Agriculture Victoria staff
  • Attendance at two local workshops focused on soil test interpretation and nutrient budgeting.

To learn more about the GrazFert program, check out the video on YouTube:

COST $150 per farm business (maximum of 10 businesses/program)


Soil sampling: Commencing October

Workshop 1: Soil test interpretation November/December

Workshop 2: Nutrient budgeting February/March 2020


Ovens and King Valley workshop venue to be confirmed


Please register your interest by contacting Ian Gamble, Agriculture Victoria Rutherglen on 0437 362 620 or at

This project is supported by North East CMA, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare program and Agriculture Victoria.

NRM Regions Knowledge Conference

NRM Regions Australia, along with North East Catchment Management Authority, is pleased to host Australia’s 7th National NRM Knowledge Conference. Our conference theme and question is: Creating Resilience through Natural Resource Management – how do we do it?

Here is your opportunity to engage with people working in the NRM sector from across Australia. Whether you work for NRM regional organisations, R&D organisations, territory, state and national agencies, NGOs or you are active in your local community we would love to see you in Wodonga. You will have the opportunity to hear the latest news from our research institutes and our partner government agencies and to contribute to the future direction of NRM in Australia.

We’re planning a highly interactive conference with very different types of sessions. Our aim for the conference is to identify a shared future for Australian natural resource management – and actions we will collectively pursue to address the Conference theme.

National NRM Knowledge Conferences have been held regularly over the past 15 years and provide an opportunity for NRM practitioners to share knowledge and build national networks with other practitioners, NRM regional organisations, individuals, government and non-government agencies.

To register, click here

Grain storage webinars

A series of free-of-charge grain storage webinars from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) will provide growers with convenient, timely and relevant information and advice about all aspects of storing grain on-farm.

One webinar will be held every month for the remainder of 2019 – each being 30 minutes and focused on different topics.

12 November – grain protectants
10 December – aeration cooling

For more information and to register, go to or contact Amy Harwood via or 0456 979 561.

To subscribe to Northern Ag News

Click here

Contacting Agriculture Victoria

Call 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones).

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment
contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or

A full list of our contact points can be found at:

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