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Walk Awake Footer Hr
H2 Side

Barefoot running?

***Scroll to bottom of page for todays healing event ...SIGN UP!

The human foot is a work of art and masterpiece of human engineering...Leonardo da Vinci

For some time I have been aware of the concept of barefoot running along with the proposed research and controversy that is out there now. Although I am a big advocate for going barefoot as often as possible, I have not been sold on the idea that we should all throw out our running shoes immediately and run barefoot! Eperts on barefoot running and trainers say that there are fewer injuries and more ease in running due to the improved biomechanics that occur in the body without shoes. The biggest difference in form is that you move away from the heel strike to more of a forefoot strike. 

I do believe that our feet tend to get weaker the less we exercise the small muscles in the foot and squeeze them into shoegear that isn't exactly supportive of our natural form and function. Besides the benefits of the electromagnetic connections that are improved by going barefoot on the earth I feel there may be many more benefits to exercising this way. The problem is that most people I see have very tight joints and muscles that are weak and under used so jumping into barefoot running isn't something I would recommend here...opening the foot and ankle is key as well as strengthening your muscles in the butt, leg and foot. Learning proper form here is essential as well, so finding a trainer can be helpful for a slow and guided transition. There are "free form" shoes available to protect your feet from glass and other sharp objects!

Here is some helpful info for you to do your own exploring !!

-Born to Run by Chistopher Mc Dougall

-Run Barefoot Run Healthy by Ashish Mukharji





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H2 Side

Healing Event: "Standing on your own two feet" June 22nd @12noon

Have you noticed that life has been a bit more challenging as of late? Whether the challenge is a physical one or an emotional one  for you or a family member the message is one of change and releasing of what no longer works for you....

Please join me on Sat June 22nd @ 12 noon for my next Sacred Feet Healing. This healing vibration has the ability to bring you strength and courage while realigning and grounding you in a new way in your life. You will "find your feet" again, trusting that all is perfect and NO challenge is too great.

**This is a remote healing**

When:  Saturday June 22nd @ 12 noon EST

Where: your home, no phone or internet needed, instructions sent upon registration:


any questions please contact me: drsjg@aol.com /917-696-6337


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