No images? Click here ![]() University Updates Welcome to your regular update This week in University Updates...There's information on the UK census, updates from your Students' Guild, a wellbeing survey asking for your feedback and internship opportunities from the Career Zone. You can also find out about the variety of online events happening across the University for you to get involved in. Support for youFollowing the Vice-Chancellor’s email on Friday, it is important that everyone in our community knows that we have extensive support available for those who have been impacted by any form of violence, harassment or discrimination, and that we encourage those affected to report their experience so we can offer support. If you feel that you have witnessed or experienced any form of violence, harassment, bullying, intimidation or discrimination we encourage you to report it and to seek the help or advice you may need. You can see the various options for reporting here. We encourage you to report any incidents – no matter how small you might think these are. Microaggresions - small acts or remarks that make someone feel insulted or treated badly on the basis of a personal characteristic – should be reported. These can combine with other similar acts or remarks over time to cause emotional harm. We want to know about all
incidents on our campuses. · Report informally: Use the informal reporting form to tell us about an incident in confidence. A member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team will contact you to begin a conversation about what you would like to do next, and how we can support you. · Make a formal complaint: There are official procedures for making a
formal complaint. · Report anonymously: We will not be able to act on the information or respond to you in person. The University will use the information you provide to inform our understanding of incidents within our community.
![]() Travel during the Easter breakA ‘travel window’ has been created to allow students to travel away from University and back to their term-time accommodation once during their Easter break. This includes international students who are allowed to travel overseas to return home during this time. Our Easter break runs from Friday 26 March until Monday 26 April. What you need to do if you are travelling to a UK destination If you travel away from the University to a destination within the UK, you should get tested before you leave, so you know it is safe to travel. You can book a test online and attend one of our test centres at: Streatham Sports Hall; Cornwall House; Centre Spot Bar (Exeter City Football Club, St James Park) and St Luke’s Sports Hall. Opening times and booking links are available online. What you need to do if you are travelling to an international destination If you are travelling internationally you should check the requirements for the destination to which you are travelling as you may need to take a PCR test. You can book a free HALO PCR test online, via the Rapid Response Hub. You will also need to complete a copy of the declaration form for international travel, which can be found on the Government’s website, and obtain a letter from the University to show you are a member of an academic institution – this is a valid reason for travel under the current lockdown restrictions. You can access a copy of the letter via the self-service letter function on the Student Record System in iExeter. Please ensure you have copies of both documents available when travelling (printed or saved to your mobile or other device) as you may be asked to provide evidence to support your reason for travel at the port of your departure. Further information can be found on our International Travel pages. Please also remember: the UK Government may update the current lockdown restrictions while you are away so do continue to check the Government’s COVID-19 web pages, which should outline any changes you need to know about. Travelling back to your term time accommodation If you are travelling back from an international destination, you will need to be aware of the ‘testing and self-isolation’ requirements you must comply with on your return to the UK. Further information, including details on the UK Government’s test packages and the steps you must complete before arrival, can be found here. ![]() Get regular tests to stop the spread of COVID-19Thank you to those of you who have engaged with regular testing for COVID-19. Following Government guidance we expect everyone who is taking part in in-person activities, or using facilities on our campuses to book free twice-weekly rapid tests, to protect those around us and to ensure that we can continue to offer in-person activities. If you are coming onto the campus irregularly, please get a test each time you come. Booking is simple and the tests are free. Schedule your slots and book in advance: If you live in the St James’ Park area of the city, we now have a test centre based in the Centre Spot Bar at Exeter City FC’s ground. This is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1:30pm - 4pm, and there is no need to book. Further information about our rapid twice weekly COVID-19 tests can be found on our dedicated student COVID-19 testing webpages. If you receive a positive test result, let us know via the form online. IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 THE TEST YOU NEED IS DIFFERENT Remember, if you develop COVID-19 symptoms, such as a high temperature, new continuous cough or a loss of taste/smell, you must self-isolate and request a HALO PCR test through our Rapid Response Hub. Use SafeZone when working on campusEveryone who is working or studying on our campuses can download and install the SafeZone app. SafeZone supports staff and students, especially those who are lone-working, and helps those who need first aid or assistance from our security team. It’s available through the Play/App store – search for “SafeZone” published by “CriticalArc Pty Ltd”. If you don’t have a mobile device and you are working on campus, we recommend you install the desktop version as follows:
![]() National Day of Reflection – anniversary of lockdownThere’s an opportunity to come together to reflect on our collective loss, support those who’ve been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future this week. You can come to the Quiet Room on Streatham campus (Old Library Room 111-112) from tomorrow Tuesday March 23 until Friday March 26, any time between 11am – 3pm each day and can also add a note, photograph or poem to our sculpture. Chaplains will be available to discuss anything that you would like to talk about. There will also be stone cairns outside the Mary Harris Chapel (Streatham) and St. Luke’s Chapel. Find or bring a stone and add to the pile of hopes and dreams for the future. There’s more information on the National Day of Reflection here and on our Facebook page. ![]() Remember to complete the censusSunday 21 March 2021 was the UK’s Census Day. If you live in England or Wales, you're required by law to fill out the census survey. If you haven’t already, there's still time, and you should complete it as soon as possible. The information you provide informs funding decisions on things like university campus bus links and bike lanes, jobs and training, and local infrastructure projects. If you haven’t received an access code, you can request a new one online and remember to complete it for your University address even if you're not currently living there because of COVID-19; this will make sure our University community gets the services it needs now and in the future. International students should fill it out if they’ve been in the UK for three months prior to Census Day or intend to be here for the following three months. To find out more about what the census is please check out our Census Frequently Asked Questions here. The census is free to complete and you won’t be asked for information such as your bank details. You can visit the official census website at Wellbeing SurveyYour wellbeing is important to us. As part of our ongoing effort to continuously improve our services and support, we would like to invite you to fill out our short survey on the Wellbeing Services at the University. The survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. All data collected in this survey will be treated anonymously. More information regarding data protection at the University of Exeter can be found here. National Student SurveyThank you to all the finalists who have filled out the National Student Survey (NSS). Your valuable feedback helps to shape your University in the future, just as responses in previous years helped to shape your Exeter experience. If you've not yet filled it out but would like to, you can find the survey here. Mid-Term examsToday and tomorrow, 22 to 23 March, block three mid-term examinations are underway for some modules. These will be run from Teaching ELE. If you encounter any issues or have any queries whilst the exam is open, telephone +44 (0) 1392 72 6800. The phone line will be monitored from 8am to 8pm Monday and Tuesday and 8am to 1:30pm on Wednesday 24 March. Student Handbook for Online examsYou can find the Student Handbook for Online Examinations, and additional confirmation of the format of your April/May examinations on the Exams website. Preparing for exams?Study Zone is hosting bespoke revision and exam strategies workshops for option 1 and 2. To find out more visit the Study Zone website. You can also find revision and exams advice and guidance on our Study Zone Digital pages here. SID online - planned outagesDue to an essential system upgrade, SID Online will be unavailable from 6pm Friday 26 March until 9am Monday 29 March. During this time, no new enquiries can be logged, but emails sent to will still be received and processed once the upgrade has completed. For urgent out of hours welfare support during this time, please visit this webpage. If you have any questions regarding the SID Online upgrade, please contact ![]() Two weeks left! Call For Student-Led Anti-Racism ProjectsThe Exeter Education Incubator is looking for project teams of up to three students who want to work to make the University of Exeter anti-racist. You will need to have identified a clear challenge to explore and seek solutions for. To apply, you need to be available for at least four hours per week from Tuesday 4 May to Friday 9 July. In addition to paying you for your 4 hours per week on the project, we will also fund up to 30 days of work on your project (7 hours days, paid at £10.65), which can be distributed flexibly across weeks and the three applicants. We can also fund up to £750 project costs (must be spent by 31 July 2021). You can find out more here. The deadline for applications is midday on Wednesday 31 March. Please also get in contact us at if you have any questions before completing the application form. Disabled and Chronically Ill Staff and Student NetworkThe Disabled and Chronically Ill Staff and Student Network exists to provide support and representation to staff and students who identify as disabled or chronically ill. We meet monthly on Microsoft Teams to share updates, experiences and to provide advocacy and representation to senior management. The next meeting for Spring 2021 will be Wednesday 31 March at 12pm. For accessibility information & the meeting links, please email All welcome to attend, including allies, and it will be an open discussion. ![]() Interdisciplinary Online Module Fair – Four days left!The Online Module Fair is live until 5pm Friday 26 March and is your chance to see all of the modules available for you to select outside of your degree programme. Selecting up to 30 credits outside of your discipline can enhance your employability prospects, broaden your student experience, and widen your research skills, so do check the website and see if you can benefit from the Online Module Fair. Add an Extra Award to Your Degree!Are you interested in changing the world for the better, either by creating the amazing new businesses of tomorrow, or by changing existing businesses through innovation? Then the ‘With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship (WPIE) pathway may be for you! If you complete the required number of WPIE modules during your studies, you will be eligible to have ‘With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship’ added to your degree title! Remember to select your WPIE modules now for next year. You can find out more here, or email for more information. ![]() Strategy 2030 - Have you taken part in the first Big Conversation?The first in a series of three Big Conversations, which will enable us to work together to shape our future strategy, is currently live. Since the conversation launched on Tuesday, 16 March, over 900 students, colleagues and alumni have joined. Together they have shared over 850 ideas and comments, and have cast over 6,000 votes. The hot topics currently being discussed include whether Universities are predominately financial institutions and whether Universities can be a force for good. You can view all the ideas and suggestions which have been submitted online using the unique username and password that has been sent to you. Our first conversation will be open until 5pm on Monday 29 March so please do take the time to login to the platform so you can be a part of the conversation that is helping to co-create our new 10-year strategy. Please visit the website to find out more or email if you have any questions. ![]() Apply now to be a community wardenDo you want to be part of an innovative team, supporting students and working in the local community? Are you interested in a flexible, part time job that provides experience in working with community organisations? We are currently seeking to recruit Student Community Wardens to work with our Community Liaison Team throughout 2021/22. To find out more about how to become a Community Warden visit our recruiting page on Handshake. If you haven’t already, sign up for Handshake here. The deadline for applications is Monday 26 April at 12pm. Branching Out: The Virtual Nature ExperimentSpending time in nature can boost our mental health but can experiencing nature digitally have a similar impact? This is one of the ideas which PhD student, Alex Smalley, has been exploring alongside the BBC in the ‘Virtual Nature’ experiment. In this episode we catch up with Alex to talk about how technology can combine with nature to improve wellbeing. You can listen to this episode of Exeplore on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. If you want to take part in Virtual Nature experiment you can do so here. Updates from your Students’ GuildElections 2021: Results The votes are in, and your Students’ Guild is delighted to announce your brand new elected officers for 2021-22! You can find all the details here. Thanks to everyone who voted, your votes will shape your student experience to ensure you are represented where it matters. Need some advice? Your Students’ Guild Advice Team is now offering virtual drop-in sessions on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. You can find out more, including how to book, here. ![]() Bin forgetting?Don’t waste another bin day with these reminders:
Restricted parking on campusPlease remember that there’s no parking on campus for students who live within the city boundary (unless you have a resident’s permit tied to your private accommodation) so please don’t bring your car when you return next term. University parking regulations will be enforced in the summer term. You can find out more, including about accessible parking, here. Language study questionnaireFill out this quick multiple-choice questionnaire here to be in with the chance of winning one of ten £10 Amazon vouchers. The study is investigating the language people use in their daily life, in differing situations, and it’s hoped that this research will help English teachers and learners in the future. The study is being carried out by PHD student Homoud Alzamil, who needs 40 more male monolingual English speakers to participate, to reach his research target (having already met the target for female participants). The deadline to complete the survey is the end of March. Calling all Instagram fans, bloggers and vloggersFancy sharing your experiences and best uni life tips with current and prospective students by taking over our students’ Instagram account for a week or producing blogs/vlogs? If you’re keen to be a part of our @exeterunilife account or Students’ Blog, we want to hear from you. Email us at and let us know your name, programme, campus of study and what type of content you’re interested in producing. Class of 2021 Yearbook - deadline extended!Finalists! Many of you have been in touch because you had difficulties meeting the initial Yearbook deadline. Luckily, we were able to extend the deadline and your class of 2021 Yearbook will now close to contributions on Sunday 28 March. This is your last chance to be included in the Yearbook, so submit your profile here. All pre-ordered Yearbooks will be posted out to you in the summer. To make sure you receive your copy, please order your Yearbook here. If you have any problems, please email ![]() Research Internship OpportunitiesOur Internship Schemes have research internship opportunities which are open for applications now. There are 17 roles within The College of Life and Environmental Sciences live on Handshake, with 20 psychology research internships coming later this month. We are also expecting several research internships from the The College of Social Sciences and International Studies soon. Search for SCP on Handshake to view current roles and sign up here to receive our weekly Student Internship Bulletin emails to hear about future opportunities. ![]() All of the following events will be held online: Wednesday 24 March, 9 –11:30am & 4 –6:30pm, Postgraduate open day, please book your place here. Wednesday 24 March, 9 – 10pm, "In Conversation with Vanessa Kirby". To find out more and book tickets visit this webpage. Use the code Exeter100 for a student discount. Thursday 25 March, 12:30 – 2pm, Akanksha Mehta: ‘Is This an Anti-Racist Occupation or Noh?’ Please register by 5pm on Wednesday 24 March here. Tuesday 30 March, 6.30 –7.30pm, Prof. Bill Cohen: “Coyote Stories: Bringing Coyote Back to Life, Transforming Monsters, and Being a Good Ancestor”. Register here. Wednesday 31 March, 6 –7pm, “A Conversation with Jonathan Addleton: Diplomacy and Aid from a US Perspective”. Please sign up here in advance. Tuesday 13 April, 6 – 7pm, “A Conversation with John Thon Majok: Refugee and Citizen Diplomacy”. Please sign up here in advance to attend. Don't forget to also keep your eye out on events and activities run by your Students’ Guild. Tell us what you think of this newsletter:Get in touch with your feedback or news stories at: |