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MAKE Newsletter

September 13, 2012

It's mere weeks away from World Maker Faire in New York City. This always brings a heightened sense of excitement about what we do and reflections on why. There has been a lot of that recently: Maker Camp, the 3D printing weekend, and putting another issue (Volume 32) to bed. Making MAKE can be a humbling experience. 

-Gareth Branwyn


Cheetah Robot Can Now Outrun Usain Bolt

Beauty the Bald Eagle's Bionic Beak

PCB Business Card Holds Resume

Aerofex Hoverbike with Knee Steering

The Nobility of Hard Work and Making What You Love

Stepping back and appreciating what we do.

How Tracking Down My Stolen Computer Triggered a Drug Bust

Find out what happens when you rip off a hacker.

Build an Optical Tremolo Box

A theoretical project turned into an actual one. And then a viral video.

Interview: Pancake Bot Maker

Miguel Valenzuela and his two adorable daughters build an awesome Lego food factory.

Interns Corner: MAKE Robot Project

MAKE Labs' Nick Raymond answers a call from Sales to create a box o' WOW.

MAKE’s 3D Print Shop Weekend

An unprecedented opportunity to test 15 consumer-grade 3D printers.