We recently attended a hugely successful PACT conference on Transforming Rehabilitation: Transforming Relationships.
The Keynote Speaker, Jeremy Wright, Minister for Prisons and Rehabilitation was joined by other eminent academic speakers who reviewed the impact of PACT and reinforced the message reported in 2012 by the New Economics Foundation, which showed that for every £1 spent on PACT's service, £11.41 was saved to the public purse.
Further details on the work PACT undertakes can be found here
We are delighted to announce our first loan drawdown from our Community Share Underwriting Fund, in support of Ecodynamic, with their maiden project being a wind turbine, Geoff,
in Redruth, Cornwall. In addition to carbon reduction, Ecodynamic will also create other positive social benefits through re-investing surplus funds back into local grass roots community projects, including organic and biodynamc farming initiatives, in conjunction with their strategic partner, The Biodynamic Land Trust.
This innovative Fund is now gaining real momentum and has made a number of other underwriting offers to other community groups in the UK, in support of a range of community owned projects, including a community business park, community hydro-electricity scheme and community bio-mass heating scheme, details of which we hope to provide in our next newsletter.
Resonance Team Changes
After four and a half years with Resonance we said goodbye (and thank you) to our Project Co-ordinator, Shirley Hooton, who left us to pursue other exciting opportunities. We wish her well for the future.
Jacqueline Campbell has now joined us as Team Administrator and with many years of senior PA and secretarial experience under her belt, we're already benefiting from some administrative order in our lives.
We are also delighted to welcome Grace Howells who has joined our Manchester office as Investment Analyst. Grace will be assisting the team with the deployment and execution of our funds as well as helping to develop social venture funds that we expect to launch in 2014.
Upcoming Events
We are proud to support National Ethical Invesment Week, which runs from 13-19 October.
We'll be attending the Global Impact Investor Network Forum in London on 10th & 11th October and also Good Deals 2013 on 6th & 7th November and hope to have the chance to catch up with others also attending.
And finally, we are really excited to learn that Real Lettings Property Fund has been shortlisted for the Social Investment Deal at this year's UK Social Enterprise Awards. Look out for an update in our next newsletter.