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The Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod


26 June 2018


It is our hope Uniting News continues to help you grow, transition and innovate as the people of God.

Rev Heather den Houting
General Secretary, Queensland Synod

From the Moderator

Monday morning prayer

Join us for the Monday morning prayer during June:

Lord, empower us to hunger and thirst for your justice, in our lives and in our world. Let us never be satisfied with anything less. Amen

Moderator's diary

This week, Moderator Rev David Baker will attend the Neoliberalism, Civil Society and the Church Conference in Sydney hosted by United Theological College. 

On Sunday, David will be attending the Recognition Ceremony as part of Reserve Forces day.

Presbytery and congregation news

Church planting: A conversation with Bishop Ric Thorpe

Uniting Leaders (a joint activity of the Uniting Church in Australia, South Australia and Queensland Synod), Generate 2021 and Alpha Australia, invite you to a one-day conversation about church planting with Bishop Ric Thorpe. 

Bishop Ric, a church planter himself, leads the Church of England’s innovative and ambitious church planting strategy, and has a wealth of experience to share as both a practitioner and strategist.

Topics include the Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) church planting story, developing an evangelistic (and church planting) culture within a denomination, key elements for successful church planting, models of church planting and raising and developing leaders for church planting. 

Held 31 July at Newlife Uniting Church, 4 Greenwich Ct, Robina. For more information and to purchase tickets head to the event website.

Photo: Bishop Ric Thorpe. Supplied.

Inspired Disciples festival

Based at Queensland Synod office in Auchenflower, Inspired Disciples (22–27 October) is a week  of workshops, forums and training events which focus on growing, building and inspiring disciples. With learning opportunities for both ministry agents and lay people, Inspired Disciples promises to inspire and reinvigorate the meaning of discipleship.

For 2018 Inspired Disciples incorporates Chaplaincy Affirmation Days (24–26 October).

Full details and registration will be available in the next few weeks. For more info and to subscribe to the Inspired Disciples mailing list, head to the website.

Emma Holmes
Project Officer (Inspired Disciples), Queensland Synod

Position vacant

Minister of the Word (full-time)

Laidley (0.5) and Hatton Vale (0.5) Uniting Churches are seeking to share a full-time Minister of the Word.

The two congregations are seeking a minister who is willing to lead by example, to share responsibility and ministry with the lay leaders in the congregation and be open to develop the common vision for the ongoing mission of the church. The position is available immediately.

The position is open to ordained Uniting Church ministers and suitably qualified lay people. A congregation profile and other documentation is available on request from Rev Brian Hoole (

Applications close midday on 9 July and should be submitted to

Rev Brian Hoole
Presbytery Minister, Bremer Brisbane Presbytery

July placement vacancies

The list of current vacant placements is now available.

People in specified ministries who are seeking a new placement are invited to make contact with the nominated person if they would like their names considered for any of these placements.

Rev David Fender
Associate General Secretary, Queensland Synod

Learning news

Raymont Residential College Open Day

Come along to the Raymont Residential College Open Day and find out everything you need to know about living at Raymont while studying in Brisbane.

Tour the Raymont campus, meet staff and residents and discuss enrolment opportunities.

What’s included in the tour?

  • Complimentary lunch provided in the dining hall (11:30am – 1:30pm)
  • Hear from the college principal
  • Explore our living, recreational and learning spaces.

Register now and discover the Raymont difference!

Marie Bourne
Marketing Coordinator, Queensland Synod

Reaching out and speaking out

NAIDOC Week – Because of her, we can

Between 8 and 15 July, we celebrate NAIDOC Week. This year’s theme celebrates the essential role that women have played—and continue to play—as active and significant role models at the community, local, state and national levels.

As leaders, trailblazers, politicians, activists and social change advocates, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women fought and continue to fight for justice, equal rights, rights to country, for law and justice, access to education, employment and to maintain and celebrate our culture, language, music and art.

For over 65,000 years, women have carried dreaming stories, songlines, languages and knowledge, keeping their culture strong. 

Thursdays in Black: Resistance and Resilience

The campaign is simple, but profound—Wear black on Thursdays.

Wear a badge to declare you are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Show your respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence. Encourage others to join you. In this campaign, black is used as a colour of resistance and resilience.

Sue Hutchinson has a few badges available—first in, best dressed!

Lifeline Bookfest on now!

Visit the Lifeline Bookfest at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre; last day 1 July . Open daily 7.30 am till 6 pm. Second hand books at bargain basement prices. Support Lifeline’s excellent work, save money and reduce waste! It’s a winner all round!

Sue Hutchinson
Research and Policy Officer, Queensland Synod