How frank are you when it comes to discussing sex matters with your current or new partner?
Are you likely to tell him/her how many people you've been intimate with? Are you likely to reveal if you've had an infection?
Are you likely to disclose your sexual orientation or preferences?
Are you very open when discussing your sexual health with your GP?
If you said no to most, if not all of those questions, that's stigma at work.
Sexual health-related stigma may prevent individuals from seeking diagnosis of an STI or treatment or lead to feelings of shame or inadequacy if you have one.
The 2 Spirits program at Queensland Association for Healthy Communities, Queensland Health and QAIHC developed an STI sexual health promotion character called "Stigmalien" to expose stigma and how it impacts on the sexual health of our mob.
Here he is in action in one of this project's radio skits. Listen here.