Oh, the thinks you can think!
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“The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close up.”

— Chuck Palahniuk

This dispatch is intent on changing your mind. From uncovering your own hidden assets, to changing your perceptions and assumptions (even about &yet), in this issue we examine what it means to look at the same thing twice, and see two very different outcomes.


To paraphrase from the book Positive Intelligence, "...whatever outcome you reach, you'll be able to turn it into an opportunity."  That can be a strange realization; within ourselves we possess both the ability and the choice to determine how we perceive our circumstances.

In a way, it can be very liberating. It could mean the difference between looking at failure as a step toward progress, instead of a personal torment. Or seeing each ending in life as a chance at a beginning elsewhere. It might also mean embracing your qualities, instead of zeroing in on your flaws.

However you choose to see it, reframing can be quite a useful, and invaluable tool.

reframing - key

How Reframing a Problem Unlocks Innovation

By Tina Seelig

An essential read for anyone questioning the value of having the ability to shift frames, complete with practical applications.

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The Year I Didn't Retweet Men

by Anil Dash

A social experiment in 2013 led Anil to new perceptions, conversations, and an overall better Twitter experience.

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Find your own best practices for Node

By Nathan, Adam & Henrik

People often ask us "What does &yet do?" and this post is a great explanation of one of the many frames our consulting company wears.


Over to you

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We love chat as a way of bringing together communities, so we created a small Slack community for &you.

To request an invite to the &you Slack community, just reply to this email and let us know. We're trying to keep the community comfortably small, so we'll only be able to let in a few at a time.

What we're working on



Do you have a trick for adjusting your perspective? Let's hear it! Possibly we'll share it in a future dispatch (just reply to this email).

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