Offscreen Issue 13 coming in January

Hey there,

Your inbox is probably being flooded with seasonal greetings and offers, so I'll try to keep this short: I'm working hard on Offscreen Issue 13 with the release scheduled for mid January. If you're thinking of gifting a copy of Offscreen to a friend this Christmas, make sure you use this link and any back issue of Offscreen will cost you just $15.00. It's also a good opportunity to fill the gaps on your bookshelf. (Valid for one week only.) I wish you a restful break over the coming weeks. Thank you for your loyal support in 2015! ❤ Kai

Will I receive the next issue?
✖ NO, it looks like you havenʼt ordered anything yet.

(Re)Subscribe Now!
Note that single-issue sales will be available with the official launch of issue 13 in January. We'll email you again then.
So, whatʼs been happening?
  • (Four more) patrons wanted
    21 out 25 patron slots are booked. I’m still after the kind support of four more patrons whose names will be printed in the back of issue 13. As always, you’ll also receive two copies of the issue with your $100 contribution – one to keep, one to give to a friend. Plus, you’ll get a sneak peek at the new cover a day or so before the issue launches officially. Consider becoming a patron here, please.
  • Video interviews
    The lovely people behind Internet Age Media Week, a new internet/media event in Barcelona that you should attend, have been putting up a whole range of well-edited video interviews (yep, I make a showing too). Topics include: print vs. digital, finding your niche, making a sustainable living online, and others. Check 'em out here.
  • On the Blog: You’re running a barber shop
    Some thoughts on making our work more approachable and human-centered. Read it here.
  • On the Blog: Yes, Offscreen (too) has a diversity problem
    A long explanation why I'm still struggling to make Offscreen's contributor base more diverse. I think I was able to improve on this in the upcoming issue, but again not without compromises and the fair amount of frustration – unfortunately. Read it here.
  • On the Blog: So you want to make a magazine?
    People often ask me what resources I can recommend for fledgling magazine makers. I compiled a list of sites and services that helped me when I got started and some others I discovered in the last couple of years. Check it out here.
  • Past and upcoming travels
    In August and September I had a wonderful time speaking at HybridConf in Dublin, then attending the one and only IndieCon magazine festival in Hamburg (some thoughts and impressions here), followed by a few days in New York, Washington, San Francisco and finally Portland for the always impressive XOXO fest. In late October I was honoured to be a speaker at Web Directions in Sydney, and last month I was in Seoul for a one-on-one magazine workshop (and excessive amounts of food). I'm about to pack my bags again and will be in Berlin for around a week in early January. Let me know if you want to grab a coffee!
  • Fundraiser
    Frustrated with my own inability to help more with the refugee crisis in Europe, I hosted an ad-hoc fundraiser that enabled me to donate a combined $300 to the Red Cross and our local refugee support centre. Thanks again!
  • Sponsors of Issue 13
    As always, I’m extremely proud to announce the sponsors of the upcoming issue: Basecamp, FreeAgent, Hoefler & Co, Hover, Moo, Slack, Squarespace, and WeTransfer.
Photo by David McDowell

Offscreen is a publication by brizk design.
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