Emergency Messaging - Sign Up ASAP
If you are attending the FFICamporee and want to recieve emergency announcements during the camporee, sign up the cell phone number that you will be using at the Oshkosh Camporee.
Please follow these easy steps to sign up below for Emergency Code Messaging.
Login to www.codemessaging.net
Click on the Log in button
Click new user registration -Request passport
Box will say affiliation - Type in fficamporee (no spaces, lower case)
Type in personal information
Fill in new login and password
You are now signed up for code messaging
Your cell phone number will remain private and used for emergency communication during the FFICamporee. There will be three messages sent before August 11-16, 2014.
For more information, Contact: April Romuald, Onsite Communications Director
Honor Volunteer Staff Needed
Would you like to volunteer to teach an honor during the FFICamporee?
To fill out the form visit: http://www.cye.org/assets/resources/camporee/documents/forms/honors-activity.pdf
For more information, Contact: Carol Wheeler, Honors Coordinator
Searching for Actors for the Daniel Story:
FFIC is searching for a few more core actors, including dynamic twins that can act and possibly sing, for the Camporee Nighttime Daniel Story. If you are interested, please see the qualifications below, and upload your audition video to ACT – www.adventistchristiantheater.com by October 1, 2013. There are monologues and audition instructions on the ACT website.
1. Must be 18 years old or older.
2. Have a living faith relationship with Jesus.
3. Have experience in acting in plays and skits.
4. Be available July 20 – August 17, 2014.
5. Must provide your own transportation to Andrews University, July 20 and from Oshkosh, August 17, 2014.
For more information email: Betty Whitehead, Assistant Director for FFICamporee
Orchestra Auditions Now Open
The Camporee Orchestra Music has been uploaded and is ready to be downloaded and printed by those who are ages 9 to 19 and would like to audition.
Applicants can take videos of themselves playing the selected pieces and upload the videos to their YouTube or Vimeo accounts. Once the video has been uploaded, fill out the online application form on the FFIC website.
There are only 150 FFIC Orchestra spots available. The FFIC Orchestra members will be announced January 1, 2014.
For more information, Contact: Catrina LeSure, Nighttime Administrative Assistant.
Drill & Drum Forms Avaliable
Drill & Drum forms are now avaliable online. Space is limited, so sign up your team ASAP!
To acces the forms, Visit: http://www.cye.org/events/camporee/what-to-expect/daytime/drill-and-drum.html
For more information, Contact: Joel Hutchins, Drill & Drum Coordinator
Social Media
Follow us on Twitter! Like us on Facebook! The Forever Faithful International Camporee is now plugged in to social media!
Keep up to date with all the latest camporee happenings!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/2014FFIC
Facebook: www.facebook.com/2014FFIC
For more information, Contact, Justin Yang, CYE IT Coordinator.
Camporee App
Be sure to download our all-new updated Camporee App to participate in the countdown to the Camporee, access the latest news items for the Camporee, and contact our Downline Directors.
Click on the following link to see the Camporee App information and to download it on your phone:
For more information, Contact, Justin Yang, CYE IT Coordinator.
NAD AY Honors Approved for 2013
The list of NAD AY Honors has been posted.
To access the list, Visit http://www.pathfindersonline.org
For more information, Contact: Terry Dodge, NAD new Honors chair person.
Camporee Advertisement
Check out this new Camporee Advertisment to be used by your club!
Visit: http://www.cye.org/Be%20There%20Ad%2016.5x10.625.jpg
FFIC Important Dates
Executive Advisory Committee Meeting - October 22, 2013 from 9am-12pm - CYE/Andrews University
Executive Advisory Committee Meeting - March 25, 2014 from 9am - 5pm - CYE/Andrews University
Arrival of Downline Directors and Associates in Oshkosh, WI - April 20 , 2014
Downline Directors Meeting - April 21, 2014 from 9am to 5pm - Oshkosh, WI
Orientation 'Walk-around' - April 22, 2014 - Oshkosh, WI (Public is Welcome)
Meetings of Downline Directors & Respective Staff - April 23, 2014 - Oshkosh, WI
Departure of Downline Directors & Associates from Oshkosh, WI - April 24, 2014
For more information, Contact: Jamie Jackson, Administrative Assistant.
Fundraising Idea
Looking for an "out-of-the-box" fundraising idea for your Pathfinder club?
Everyday Matters Magazine has developed a new idea that can bring up to $5000 to your Pathfider Club.
For more information visit: www.freemaninstitute.com/everydaypath.htm or Contact: Joel A. Freeman
FFIC Forms
Searching for a form for FFIC? All of our forms are now available electronically on our website!
The FFIC forms list keeps growing, so watch this newsletter for new forms and announcements.
For more information, Contact: Justin Yang, CYE IT Coordinator.
PAID ADVERTISEMENT-Travel Leaders Travel Agency
Travel Leaders are looking forward to welcoming the 2014 Pathfinder Camporee “Forever Faithful,” back to our wonderful city.
Oshkosh has seen many new additions since your last visit. We have expanded our river front with a beautiful boardwalk, added way too many roundabouts and renovated the downtown convention center hotel into a wonderful Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel offering 179 rooms, most with views of the Fox River, complimentary full breakfast, indoor pool and wireless internet. Complimentary transportation is being offered to visitors needing transportation to the camporee grounds.
If you are in need of accommodations and would like to request a room rate at the
Best Western Premier Hotel, please visit our
Website: http://www.travelleadersoshkosh.com/Foreverfaithfulpathfinders.cfm
Visitors interested in renting a camper may contact the two companies below for
rates and availability.
1) Van Boxtel RV – Toll Free 888-831-5267
Website: http://www.appletoncamping.com/rentals.php
2) Appleton Camping Center – Toll Free 800-924-7566
Website: http://www.appletoncamping.com/rentals.php
Travel Leaders
Toll Free - 800-289-3932
**This agency is independent and separate from Forevere Faithful International Camporee.
Adventist Risk Management Insurance
Camporee Travel Accident Insurance Now Available!
As Pathfinder Clubs around the world make their travel plans for the 2014 Forever Faithful International Camporee in Oshkosh next summer it is critical to provide travel accident insurance for all Pathfinders and adults in your group. Adventist Risk Management is pleased to announce special Camporee Travel Accident Insurance is now available for all Pathfinder groups at our website: www.Adventistrisk.org
For 2014 there are two types of Travel Accident Insurance available depending on your Club’s country of residence:
United States based Pathfinder Clubs:
Travel & Camporee – Travel accident coverage round-trip from your departure location to Oshkosh, Wisconsin with an addition of up to seven (7) added travel days for personal deviation in route. This allows Clubs to include side trips/activities in addition to attending the Forever Faithful Camporee. Cost: $4.55 per person. Coverage includes: $50,000 for accidental medical expense, subject to a $100 deductible. Accidental dental expenses are $250 per tooth subject to a maximum of $500. Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefits of $50,000. Additional benefits may apply – See policy summary listed on the ARM website.
Camporee Only – Accident coverage from Monday, August 11th through Saturday, August 16, 2014 during the Camporee event only at the Oshkosh, Wisconsin site. Cost: $2.33 per person. Coverage includes: $50,000 for accidental medical expense, subject to a $100 deductible. Accidental dental expenses are $250 per tooth subject to a maximum of $500. Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefits of $50,000. Additional benefits may apply – See policy summary listed on the ARM website.
This insurance is underwritten by the ACE Insurance group with rates and coverage unchanged from the 2009 Courage to Stand International Camporee. This insurance provides your Pathfinder Club with broader coverage than the standard accident insurance provided for Club activities by your Conference.
International based Pathfinder Clubs:
All Pathfinder Clubs located outside of the United States {including Canada and Bermuda} are unfortunately, not eligible to purchase the ACE travel accident insurance program. International Pathfinder Clubs should purchase ARM’s Short Term Travel Accident Insurance for all Pathfinders and adults traveling with your group. Several coverage options are available to provide accidental medical/illness expense coverage, emergency evacuation/repatriation and other travel related expenses. Please see the ARM website for a full explanation of coverage options and costs.
To Learn More follow this link -- http://www.adventistrisk.org/Insurance/TravelInsurance.aspx
If you need further assistance please call ARM Customer Care – Toll Free (888) 951-4276
Lake Michigan Carferry- SS Badger
Big Ship, More Fun!
Experience the fun shortcut across Lake Michigan as you head to the Forever Faithful Camporee in Oshkosh!
The SS Badger provides a safe, fun, and reliable cruise between Michigan and Wisconsin. Our dock in Wisconsin is only 60 miles from Oshkosh.
Badger passengers can take advantage of traditional favorites including free Badger Bingo, free movies and satellite television, seven different lounge areas, a children’s play area, an onboard gift shop, a recently renovated arcade, private staterooms, two separate food service areas, and expansive outside decks for lounging or walking.
The 410’ S.S. Badger, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, can accommodate 600 passengers and 180 vehicles, including RVs, trailers, and buses.
The Badger sails daily between Ludington, MI and Manitowoc, WI. For additional information, please call (800) 841-4243 or visit http://www.ssbadger.com. Group rates are available to parties of 15 or more passengers. Call today to book your cruise!
S.S. Badger 1953 - 2013 – Creating Great Experiences for over 60 Years!
**This agency is independent and separate from Forever Faithful International Camporee.