Lake Charles: Situation Report #1 |   | ...
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Lake Charles: Situation Report #1

May 25, 2021

“…how much more?”

These are three words with a tremendous amount of weight.  For southwest Louisiana residents, those words have been all too real in their vocabulary.  On August 27, 2020, Hurricane Laura made landfall as the strongest hurricane in history to hit the Louisiana coast.  It brought destruction like they had never been seen before.  Just 43 days later, Hurricane Delta brought its wrath and destruction to the same area.  February 2021 brought a rare, prolonged freeze that took its toll on the area, causing extensive damage to residents’ homes because of busted pipes.  HOW MUCH MORE…?

Then just over a week ago, 17 inches of rain fell within a very short period of time — overwhelming the canals and drainage channels here in Lake Charles.  As debris stopped up the canals, the raging waters moved up and over bridges, stormed over their banks, and raced through surrounding neighborhoods.  Cars were swept away.  Homes were penetrated by sewage water.  Peoples’ lives were once more changed forever.  HOW MUCH MORE…?

These three words are used as a cry for help, a plea for reprieve…but they are also a safe haven of hope — a foundation on which to stand.

Jesus says, “Consider the birds:  They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.  And HOW MUCH MORE valuable you are than birds!”  And just a little bit further He says, “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown in to the fire, HOW MUCH MORE will he clothe you?”

As we look around we see the aftermath of nature’s greatest fury.  Homes are destroyed.  Lives forever impacted.  But out of chaos comes the return of the grass, with all its splendor and beauty.  Out of the chaos the birds return to build their nests...their coats beautiful and radiant.  And the very God who provides for the grass and the birds says, “HOW MUCH MORE when it comes to you.”

As Hope Force International deploys and provides relief to the people of southwest Louisiana, our primary responsibility is to remind these residents how much more God loves and sustains them.  We too, like the grass and the birds, demonstrate the goodness of God through the work that we do; but even in that, God whispers how much more is HIS love and HIS goodness for the people here in Lake Charles.

We believe that there is no better message than the love of God in action, and now is a time that He is calling us to step in to care for those who grieve and struggle.  We have Hope Force Reservists making their way back to Louisiana to join the relief efforts already underway. 

Please consider ways in which you can respond to the plight of survivors in Louisiana. Some can go, some will give and all can pray.  

Thank you, and know we are grateful for you!