10 JUNE 2018 No Images? Click here ![]() CAFO was May 9-11 in (Frisco) Dallas, TXRecap of CAFO2018! Birthmother Panel I was so excited to again participate in the Christian Alliance For Orphans Summit, May 9-11 in Dallas. ![]() The room was packed, probably 60-70 in the audience, and you could have heard a pin drop. Everyone was listening to every word these women had to say. It was fascinating to hear their perspectives on why they chose adoption, how they chose the parents, and how things have gone since placement. These women were able to share from their hearts and were incredibly wise and generous with their advice. Resoundingly, their reasons for chosing adoption came from the love they had for their babies, and the desire for them to be provided for. We only had time to take two questions from the audience. It was a rich panel; I'm grateful to each of these beautifulbirthmoms for sharing their stories. Tribute to BirthFathersWe tend to think more about birthmoms but these stories remind us that birthfathers also share the grief of loss and the love for their child that birthmoms feel. With Father's Day approaching, I thought I'd share some thoughts and perspectives on birthfathers. ![]()
Coaching Table at CAFOAt my coaching table on Friday morning, I was fortunate to be joined by Libby Denniston from Lifetime Adoptions. Together we listened as six adoptive moms shared the challenges they're facing in their open adoptions ... much of it had to do with establishing boundaries and priorities. We had a great discussion in which we offered counsel, opinions and expertise, while these moms helped & supported each other as well. It was fabulous. First Time in a DecadeI've published this newsletter on the 10th of the month for nearly a decade! (Well, okay ... 8 years to be exact). The first one was in June 2010, which is the year Unplanned Good Inc was incorporated. Last month, I was at the CAFO Dallas conference on May 9-11 and facing a busy time with my (paying) job, and just couldn't swing it. Did you miss it? You funded my trip!
![]() Do you have contacts at your local high school or junior high?We at Unplanned Good do go out and speak to students, especially at the beginning of the school year. This is vital to get the option on their radar. Please call or email me if your school can invite us to speak to the kids. ![]() This is how we will change our society so that more women facing unplanned pregnancy choose adoption. It's up to us. Check out our site at www.UnplannedGood.org/
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Please forward this newsletter to someone you know has been touched by adoption. Ask them to sign up for our monthly news here and contribute their story to our web site. Thank you so much for your continued encouragement & support. |
We promote adoption as a positive option for those facing unplanned pregnancies. It can be so very good (and beautiful!) for all involved.
Unplanned Good is reaching out to both teens and their parents, to let them know that adoption is an option. Studies have shown that girls are 50% more likely to see their pregnancy through and make an adoption plan when an adult suggests this path.
Please visit our site, and encourage others to see it. Read the encouraging, heartfelt stories there. Send in your own story, and ask a friend to do the same.