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September 21, 2009

Welcome to the new Dolan DNA Learning Center email newsletter: Bio Bulletin!

NEW! Home

We just launched a new home for the Dolan DNA Learning Center on the web.

Our new homepage includes a raft of changes, including staff blogs, an intelligent search function, and a much friendlier workspace. You can also download our most popular animations.

We would really like to know what you think. Check it out and let us know by completing a 5-question survey.

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NEW! Genes to Cognition (G2C) Online

Our latest, largest, and most interactive website, Genes to Cognition (G2C) Online features a rich library of animations, articles, demonstrations, and interactive experiments about neuroscience in the 21st century.

G2C Online MontageG2C Online is modeled on the structure of small world neurobiology networks – each item of content is a node in a web of interactive media. Nodes span six levels of analysis – Genes, Biochemicals, Cells, Brain, Cognition (Behavior), and the Environment. Features include:

G2C 3-D Brain: An interactive brain map that allows users to rotate the brain in three-dimensional space. Individual maps of 29 structures include information on brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.

Cognitive Disorders: G2C Online includes an in-depth examination of ADHD, autism, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder depression, and schizophrenia.

Teacher Feature: Lesson plans that map to national standards in biology and psychology

Fly School and Swimming Mice: Interactive experiments on learning and memory using real-world experimental data

Reading Faces: Test your ability to recognize emotional expressions and learn about autism

Chromosome Maps: Learn about genes associated with disorders and cognitive processes.

But Wait, There's More! 3-D Brain App!

The G2C 3-D Brain App for your iPhone or iPod Touch is now available. All the great features of our online version in the palm of your hand!. Download it today from the App Store!