No images? Click here ![]() University Updates Welcome to your regular update This week in University Updates...The chance to hear from the Vice-Chancellor and Students’ Union President (Exeter), find out how to become your own life coach with Mind Over Natter and there’s still a chance to join some of the sessions within the Future of Work and Global Hackathon. Get regular tests to stop the spread of COVID-19A reminder that all students living in their term time accommodation should get a rapid LFD test twice a week, every week, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep everyone safe. Booking is simple and the tests are free, schedule your slots and book in advance: Book your tests - Penryn Campus For students currently on placements, please continue to use the testing facilities available to you through your placement, and utilise the campus testing facilities when on campus. Further information about our rapid twice weekly COVID-19 tests can be found on our dedicated student COVID-19 testing webpages. If you receive a positive LFD test result, we ask you inform the University via the form here. IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 THE TEST YOU NEED IS DIFFERENT Remember, if you develop COVID-19 symptoms, such as a high temperature, new continuous cough or a loss of taste/smell, you must self-isolate and request a HALO PCR test through our Rapid Response Hub. ![]() University talk and Q&AJoin our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lisa Roberts, and Students’ Union President, Cara Chittenden, for a live talk and Q&A via Teams from 6 – 7pm Tuesday 2 March. As well as discussing our response to COVID-19 and providing a Students’ Union update, Lisa, Cara and other senior members of staff will talk about teaching and learning, our current operations and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and wellbeing. The panel will then spend the remaining time answering as many questions as possible. If you’re not able to join live, you will be able to watch the talk by clicking on the event link afterwards. Exam resultsJanuary exam results will be released by email, to your University email account, this Thursday. They will be released throughout the day but if you do not receive an email by 4pm, please contact your Hub Info Point. If you are concerned about your results, please contact your Academic Tutor to discuss it with them. You can also contact The Compass or Students' Union Advice Service if you need further support and guidance. ![]() This week at Mind Over Natter: Learn to be your own life coachGot half an hour spare this Wednesday lunchtime? Why not use it to learn how asking yourself simple questions can help you to feel better and achieve your goals. Interested? Sign up on Eventbrite for your free ticket to Alison Sydenham’s Mind Over Natter life coaching session. The live Teams talk starts at 12.45 and will end with a Q&A. Supporting youWe understand that the current situation is challenging for everyone, so please be aware that we are still here to support you – wherever you are. The wellbeing webpages contain useful resources which you can access at any time from home. Here are a few:
Want to know what help is best for you? Please check out this summary leaflet. Alcohol awarenessWe understand that drinking alcohol is something many people enjoy but too much - or too often - can harm your physical and mental health. If you want to know how healthy (or not) your drinking is, you can use Drinkaware's self-assessment tool. Please check out these tips for how to cut down and consume alcohol more safely: - Set a goal; write down the maximum you want to drink (per day, per week) - Measure drinks; be accurate at counting how much alcohol you’re consuming. You can calculate units here. - Space your drinks; consume non-alcoholic beverages between drinks. These help to slow alcohol consumption. - Don’t drink on an empty stomach; it causes alcohol to pass directly into your bloodstream, meaning you’re more likely to become intoxicated and hangovers are often worse. - Avoid drinking near bedtime; give your body time to process the alcohol you’ve drunk before you sleep – on average it takes an hour to process one unit. If you need support with cutting down on drinking, please contact our wellbeing services. ![]() Disabled and Chronically Ill Staff and Student NetworkThe Disabled and Chronically Ill Staff and Student Network exists to provide support and representation to staff and students who identify as disabled or chronically ill. They meet monthly on Microsoft Teams to share updates, experiences and to provide advocacy and representation to senior management. For the Spring term, the meetings will be the last Wednesday of the month at noon. This means the next meetings for Spring 2021 will be: • Wednesday 24 February • Wednesday 31 March For accessibility information and the meeting links, please email All are welcome to attend, including allies, and it will be an open discussion. Please also email if you would like to join the network mailing list or the Teams chat group. Online Module Fair Coming SoonAre you interested in taking a module outside of your chosen degree? Many undergraduate students have the opportunity to take up to 30 credits, each year, outside their discipline. If this interests you, the Online Module Fair will launch in March with all of the available modules and information on how to select them as part of your degree. Take a look at the Online Module Fair to see the latest updates before the launch in March. ![]() COVID-19: Where are we now? Variants, vaccines and the future webinarDr Bharat Pankhania, Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Exeter returns to address the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and provides an update and review on how to keep well and safe. Join us for our third Coronavirus Pandemic update session, where we will discuss vaccines, variants, and the future. The future is very important as unless we change and seriously consider preventative measures, we can expect continued problems with emerging viruses. You can find more details and register for the event here. Join our Res Life Social programmeIf you are currently living in your usual University accommodation, we would like to support you further during lockdown by inviting you to join the ‘ResLife Social’ programme. This involves one of our ResLife team getting in touch with you to catch up, make sure you are doing ok, and tell you about available support. The ResLife team is a friendly group of fellow students with a good understanding of university life. They will also let you know about upcoming online events that you can join; these are a great way to get involved with other students during this time. Previous online events include Pictionary, Bingo and Film Festivals. If you are interested in this service, please complete the opt-in form. Decolonising the Curriculum CampaignYou can now read your SU President Exeter Cara Chittenden's full introduction to the Decolonising the Curriculum campaign here. The campaign is starting with a survey to find out as much about your learning experiences at Exeter as possible. This survey is open to all Exeter students and you can enter here. After completing the survey, you can opt-in to enter a prize draw. Let the SU President Elections 2021 Campaigning beginCampaigning for the Students' Union President Elections 2021 is officially in full swing. You can follow the candidates' campaign trails via their channels and read their manifestos here. Be sure to make your voice heard using your vote when polls open on Monday 22 February until Thursday 25 February, midday to midday. Campaigning week is all about giving you the chance to decide which candidates will get your vote to be your elected representatives when the time comes. So get engaged and make it count! ![]() Sign Up for Challenges OnlineChallenges Online returns this year between 7-11 June 2021. This is a brilliant opportunity to engage with a topic that you are passionate about while gaining digital team-working experience, an increasingly important employability skill. Across Challenges week, you will collaborate in interdisciplinary groups to tackle real-world challenges, guided by postgraduate facilitators and academics at the forefront of their fields. This year, we are excited to offer the following Challenges: · Climate and Environment Emergency Sign up now via the Challenges Online website. Available to all undergraduate students. Centre for Social Mobility research projectAre you a first-generation university student, or do you identify as someone from a low-income household, or working-class background? Are you keen to share your ideas about creating a more equal and inclusive education experience? Do you also want to discuss how students can be helped during the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, then please join this research workgroup. As a participant, you will receive an £80 Amazon voucher for your participation in the four sessions. The activity will be online via Zoom. You can find out more about this project here. ![]() Digital and Coding WeekJoin us for the Digital and Coding Week to find out more about the variety of roles available in the IT sector. Jobs in the IT sector are available to all graduates who have an interest in technology and who are prepared to up-skill themselves. Throughout the week we will be running a range of sessions to help you decide whether this is a sector you wish to explore further. Sessions include How to Design a Mobile App, a Q&A Panel, as well as some special episodes of the Career Zone podcast. For more information visit our website. ![]() Introducing the Future of Work and Global HackathonRunning throughout the Spring Term and into the start of the Easter holiday, the Future of Work and Global Hackathon will provide you with the unique opportunity to engage in a range of interdisciplinary, global and experiential learning experiences. Hear from industry experts on how the world of work is changing, find out how to prepare for new and emerging digitised recruitment methods used by top employers, and understand how globalisation impacts the way you’ll be working in your future career. There is still a chance to join some of the bespoke virtual Exeter experiential learning programmes. ![]() ![]() All of the following events will be held online: Thursday 18 February, 9 - 10am, The Future of Work 'Industry Experts Forum'. You can find more details and register for the event here. Thursday 25 February, 12:30 – 2pm, Where are we now? Variants, vaccines and the future webinar. You can find more details and register for the event here. Tuesday 2 March, 6 - 7pm, University talk and Q&A for students in Cornwall co-hosted by the Students' Union. Please join the event here. Friday 5 March, 7 – 8:55pm, we mark St Piran's Day by looking at the global, outward facing aspect of Cornish past and present in a Cornish World. For further details, please visit the Cornish World/Bys Kernow event webpage. To attend please register here. Keep an eye on the Students' Union Website to keep up to date with upcoming events. Tell us what you think of this newsletter:Get in touch with your feedback or news stories at: |