Tom Piscitelli's T.R.U.S.T.

Sales Byte®

Sales KPI’s Explained

Business management expert, Peter Drucker, said
“What gets measured, gets done.” Our industry has many measurable benchmarks, referred to as key performance indicators (KPI’s), and these can serve as a starting point in establishing goals. Setting measurable sales goals for our comfort advisors or selling technicians will ensure they know what is expected and you then have a basis for performance rewards or performance coaching.

Here is a short video from my NEW Selling with TRUST Platinum Edition DVD that discusses the most useful sales KPI's. Disc 1 in the two disc set is an updated sales call with over 100 minutes of video examples and Disc 2 includes 17 chapters on various useful subjects including Sales KPI’s Explained.

Sales KPIs Explained Video

Watch Video Now

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JUMP START! Training for the NEW Comfort Advisor

The next class begins on December 30!

Are you an owner who has always done the selling and are reluctant to turn that over to anyone else?

Do you have someone who could become a terrific sales person but lacks any HVAC experience?

Are you a sales person who easily connects with customers but struggles with product application and design details?

Are your installers continuously frustrated with inadequate or incorrect takeoff information from your sales person?

Let’s face it, selling replacement HVAC systems takes some basic skills and tools to do it correctly and efficiently. And the cost of training someone on-the-job is enormous when you consider jobs that are lost or have to be corrected due to simple mistakes.

There is a better way. I have asked the product pros at the HVAC Business and Technical Institute (HBTI) in Kent, WA to create a product and system design curriculum that would address the needs of the NEW Comfort Advisor. This four-week training program, with six live online coaching sessions and two days of hands-on lab training, will cover all of the basic training the professional comfort advisor needs.

This training runs concurrently with my proven Sales Coach for In-Home Sales Professionals training program. The end result is that in four weeks the new or inexperienced individual will have best-in-class training and coaching that will give them the tools and skills needed to sell $1M or more in their first year.

For more information download our JUMP START! Training for NEW Comfort Advisors packet.

To register call Tom at 425-985-4534.

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