Editor's note

More and more people are pouring into Nigeria’s cities from the country’s rural areas – close to 100 million people now live in more than 780 cities across Nigeria. Federal and state governments are struggling to keep up with soaring urbanisation, or to provide the services that people need. John Rennie Short suggests that Nigeria could learn some valuable urbanisation lessons from other cities, especially those in Latin America.

In Ethiopia, several billion US dollars have been poured into massive sugar projects intended to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. But 10 years on, these now stand as reminders of the country’s disappointing state-led sugar industrialisation. Benedikt Kamski sets out why the government’s plan to privatise the industry will run into the same unresolved challenges.

Julie Masiga

Peace + Security Editor

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The infamous Makoko slum in Lagos, Nigeria. Stefan Magdalinski/Wikimedia Commons

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