Sales Byte®
The Single-Legger
As you already know, the term “single-legger” refers to a sales situation where the sales person is meeting with one of the two persons who make up the “couple”. The couple can be any combination of persons such as married, living together, friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers, family… you name it. Sometimes the appointment is set knowing one of the two will be there and other times this is discovered during the call.
It is generally held that selling to a single-legger is a waste of time. Some companies in our and other home improvement industries refuse to set an appointment unless both “decision makers” are present.
Clearly it is more difficult to close the sale on the initial call when only one of the couple is present. One client of mine tracked this and found that 75% of the calls that were sold on the first visit had both persons present. Everyone likes those odds.
Still, the fact remains that 25% of the first-call closes were sold to single-leggers. The clear message here is that sometimes, which you cannot predict, a single-legger will buy on the first call without having the other person there. Those sales persons who won’t run a single-legger call, or act as if the single-legger can’t and won’t buy without the other, are missing sales.
Here are 5 things you can do to improve your results on single-legger calls:
1. What you believe will determine your attitude and your attitude will determine your behavior. Change your thinking and accept that some single-leggers will buy on the first call.
2. No judgment. It's impossible to know for certain how another will act. Don’t assume anything.
3. Believe every customer has the authority to decide. Respect and honor your customer’s right to make a decision on their terms.
4. The Therapist. When the single-legger tells you they need to discuss this with the other, try this, “Sure, some of my customers want to do that. I wonder if you could anticipate what questions s/he might ask, just to make sure I’ve covered everything with you.” If you’ve been to a therapist you know how this one got its name.
5. Can We Get Him / Her on the Phone? This old school tactic can work. Be courteous when asking and you will be surprised how often your customer will agree. “Sure, there is a lot to consider. Some of my customers in this situation decide to call him / her while I'm here to answer questions that they have. Would you want to take a few minutes and see what s/he might ask?” I’ve been on many coaching calls where this has been effective and resulted in the sale.
Good Selling.
- Tom
P.S. Want to learn more about Selling with TRUST® in-home selling strategies and tools? View a short summary of my NEW Selling with TRUST® In-Home Sales Call Platinum Edition DVD.
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Start Selling Like a PRO in Just 4 Weeks!
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What if you had a way to get a new comfort advisor up and running in just four weeks?
Our experts will provide the fundamental HVAC product and application training that the new comfort advisor needs and couple it with the most effective in-home sales training in the industry. In just four weeks, you will be able to send your new comfort advisor on a lead and have confidence that she or he will sell the job and create a very satisfied customer.
Ready to sign up?
Contact Tom at 425-985-4534
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Do you have someone who could become a terrific sales person but lacks any HVAC experience?
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Let’s face it. Selling replacement HVAC systems takes some basic skills and tools to do it correctly and efficiently. And the cost of training someone on-the-job is enormous when you consider jobs that are lost or have to be corrected due to simple mistakes.
There is a better way.
Jump Start! In-Home Sales Training for NEW Comfort Advisors
Industry expert Mark Sims will conduct two weeks of daily online product and application training sessions that will take the HVAC novice through the fundamentals of basic HVAC systems.
That will be followed by a week-long workshop in Seattle where the product pros at the HVAC Business and Technical Institute (HBTI) in Kent, WA will conduct two days of hands-on lab training. This will insure your new comfort advisor will be able to identify what they find on their own sales calls and propose a correct replacement system.
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Ready to sign up?
Contact Tom at 425-985-4534
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