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Post Debate Survey

Did you watch the last debate?  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey:


No Password Required to Use This Link and be sure to answer all the questions before clicking SUBMIT.

Survey results will be posted on our website RESULTS EVENTS where you can view previous Post-Debate results as well.

Our March 15th “WINNER TAKE ALL” Florida Primary is rapidly approaching and we’re anxious to continue tracking your choices.

We remain grateful for your help and dedication to this important effort,

Many thanks to Florida Conservatives United for doing this poll!

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December 10th Meeting

We had a great meeting on December 10th.  Many thanks to all who brought desserts to share! 

A big thank you to the sheriffs for coming and answering our questions. 

We strive to keep informed on the issues facing us whether it be local, state or federal.  Sometimes the best way to find out things is "from the horse's mouth!" 

We had a good turnout that night; in order for us to stay a viable organization we need to show the community that we are a strong group who is interested in electing good candidates and being aware of the issues that are facing us.  Please make a  New Year's Resolution to try to attend as many meetings as you can.  Also try to attend your County Commission and School Board meetings.  You might be surprised at what goes on in those meetings!

Next month our guest speaker will be State Attorney Jeff Siegmeister who will be speaking on the "Stand Your Ground" legislation.

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The Tea Party Network

The Tea Party Network puts out an email each day with pertinent articles.  If you have not subscribed, please do so at:


Our group is a member of the Tea Party Network, if you know of another group, please encourage them to become a member.  There is much to be said for "power in numbers"!

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NCF Tea Party Facebook Page

Please visit our Facebook page and encourage your friends to "like" our page. 


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