UPG at Heartbeat Conference!We've just learned that our workshop proposal has been accepted for the national Heartbeat Conference in late April 2019 in Dallas. I'm teaming up with Lifetime Adoption to present a workshop on post-placement support for birthmothers. The audience will be people working in some of the 12,000 women's care clinics across the country. This is a new venue for us; I've never attended before. Should be exciting! Gathering background info for
this talk, we've developed a new birthmother survey on the subject. Please (if you are a birthmom) take the survey or send it to a birthmom you know!
Faith-based Adoption Agencies?The ACLU is leading a lawsuit against faith-based adoption agencies, alleging they are discriminating against same-sex couples because many don't place children with gay couples. Gay couples already do have the legal right to adopt: agencies in every state are working with them today, just not many of the faith-based ones.
I found this video very thought-provoking, and it really made me think about it from a birthmom perspective. Please watch the full video, then go to our Facebook page and chime in with your opinion. Do you think this is discrimination or just an example of the separation of church and state?
We'd love to hear from you!
Watch the video and then take our short poll at ... https://www.facebook.com/pg/UnplannedGood/posts/?ref=page_internal
2018 was a good year for us!
Thank you!At Unplanned Good, we were able to accomplish so much in 2018, thanks to your encouragement, support and donations. Our December newsletter provided a summary.
Unplanned Good, on the Go!When you’re away from your computer, you still need access to this important information about adoption, you can easily view unplannedgood.org on your phone or mobile device. It's optimized for that, as well as desktop viewing. Be ready to advocate for adoption 24/7, any time the opportunity presents itself!
DID YOU KNOW? - Fewer than 0.5% of women facing unplanned pregnancy make an adoption plan?
- When they do, it's because an adult in their life encouraged them to consider adoption?
- There are over one million U.S. couples waiting now to adopt?
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* Shop as usual and a small percentage of your purchase to Unplanned Good.
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Why are we doing this?
Young women are 50% MORE likely to make an adoption plan when the trusted adult in their life suggests it to them. Otherwise, most girls don't give it a thought and choose between abortion or single parenting. That's why we need to get this on the radar of more people.
Want to help Unplanned Good?
Here's what we need:
Tell a FriendYou know people who've been touched by adoption. Ask them to write their short story for our web site and sign up for our newsletter.
"My Mom encouraged me, and that made all the difference!
I needed to know that she'd stand by me through this and support the adoption plan."
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Please forward this newsletter to someone you know has been touched by adoption. Ask them to sign up for our monthly news here and contribute their story to our web site. Thank you so much for your continued encouragement & support.
About Unplanned GoodWe promote adoption as a positive option for those facing unplanned pregnancies. It can be so very good (and beautiful!) for all involved. Unplanned Good is reaching out to both teens and their parents, to let them know that adoption is an option. Studies have shown that girls are 50% more likely to see their pregnancy through and make an adoption plan when an adult suggests this path. Please visit our site, and encourage others to see it. Read the encouraging, heartfelt stories there. Send in your own story, and ask a friend to do the same.