The international WISE/NIRS newsletter
Welcome to the international WISE/NIRS newsletter.
This newsletter will be published 8-12 times a year. It is not meant as a replacement of our magazine, the Nuclear Monitor, but will focus entirely on anti-nuclear events and tools (actions, meetings, petitions, reports, films, etc.) happening all over the world. We strongly believe in citizen's actions en hope to inspire you all to engage in activities organised by grassroot groups and NGO's all over the globe.
Anti-nuclear events all over the world
Day of Action against nuclear waste dumps, October 15, 2016 in South Australia.
On the 63rd anniversary of the Emu Field atomic bomb tests, take a stand, and join us at Parliament House to say no to nuclear waste dumps in SA.
Click here for more information.
CND Open Conference, October 23, Manchester, UK: New political times, new campaigning methods? Open to the public.
Click here for more information.
Demonstration, October 29, Lingen, Germany.
Help stop the transport of nuclear fuel from Lingen and Gronau.
Click here fore more information.
Are you organising an anti-nuclear event? Get in touch with us!
What can you do? Take action!
How can you help raise awareness and act to stop the nuclear build programme?
You are not alone. Many civic organisations including the unions, social, faith and environmental groups are taking action to oppose new nukes – but so far the government does not appear to be listening. Southern African Faith Communities' Environment Institute (SAFCEI) made a list of things anyone can do.
Take a look at the list here.
Don't Nuke the Climate
December 2015, COP21, Paris, France.
Anti-nuclear demonstration.
March 12 2016, Taipei, Taiwan. (AFP Photo)
Pinocchio Awards 2015
Presenting the award to the winners (EDF), Paris, France.
Stay informed with the Nuclear Monitor
The Nuclear Monitor is the magazine we publish 20 times a year. Well researched with factual information from all corners of the globe. We have done so since 1978. Its the last global magazine on the whole nuclear fuel chain, written from a critical perspective. Subscribers receive it directly. A must-read for all those who work on this issue.
In the latest issue:
Vladimir Slivyak writes about Moscow's latest plans for new reactors, plans that will almost certainly not be realized.
Dr Bill Williams writes about the planned uranium and rare earths mine in Greenland.
We write about anti-nuclear protests in China, and plans for a large reprocessing plant.
Former US Nuclear Regulatory Commission member Peter Bradford writes about the subsidization of nuclear power.
Take out a yearly subscription to stay on top of the news in the (anti-) nuclear world. We have special low prices for small groups and individuals.
The Nuclear Monitor is also translated into Russian, by WISE Russia (Ecodefense). Find out more about Ecodefense and support their struggle for a more democratic and just energy policy in Russia!
Nuclear World: an overview of everything (anti) nuclear in the world
This map on the WISE international website shows all nuclear installations and groups fighting nuclear in the world.
Well..., nearly all. We need a little help.
Are you a wizz kid with Drupal and creating maps?
Or can you help us with information on anti-nuclear groups?
Or are you missing any groups or did you spot an error?
Help us to improve the map!
Contact and more information
World Information Service on Energy, WISE
Post: P.O. Box 59636, 1040 LC Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 6126368
Email: info@wiseinternational.org
Web: www.wiseinternational.org
Account number: NL94 TRIO 0197 8930 90
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