No images? Click here Plan your ads with public health in mind There’s no doubt we’re in an era of social distancing where the onus is on advertisers to be aware of current health guidelines and community standards. Last month the Community Panel considered concerns raised about two ads mocking current health advice. The complaints about an ad set in a toilet cubicle which actively called on people to ignore social distancing and hygiene guidelines were upheld by the Panel for breaching Section 2.6 (health and safety) of the AANA Code of Ethics. Social distancing concerns in an ad for men’s deodorant were dismissed as there was no call to ignore public health advice. Music-video style TVCs cleared by the Panel Complaints about a music-video themed on-demand TVC for vaginal health with a song about looking out ‘for your coochie coo’, and another on free-to-air TV featuring rapper Snoop Dogg doing it ‘Doggy-style’ to promote an online food delivery service were dismissed by the Community Panel in July.
Complainants raised a number of concerns including the use of language and sexualised content which the Panel considered were in context, not inappropriate, treated the issue of sex, sexuality and nudity with sensitivity to the relevant broad audience, and determined the ads did not breach the Code. Most recent independent review An advertiser’s call for an independent review of a Community Panel ruling has been partially successful. The Panel overturned its previous ruling on the AFL version of a betting ad following the recommendation of the Independent Reviewer to review the previous determination. The independent review process enables the community and advertisers to challenge decisions made by the Community Panel. More information and how to lodge a request is online at For the latest Ad Standards Community Panel determinations go to The advertising Codes apply to ads across all media channels Emails, Facebook posts and phone apps are all included in the many platforms covered by the advertising Codes. The Codes also cover ads which are only seen by subscribers, followers, or online users who download the advertiser’s content. Ensure your ads are in line with current community standards by understanding the advertising Codes and the supporting practice notes, and reviewing Community Panel decisions through the determination summaries resource. Ad Standards’ advisory service helps keep campaigns on track You can help ensure your campaign materials attract all the right attention by seeking expert advice from Ad Standards from the early stages of pre-production. The Ad Standards Copy Advice Service is the fastest and most cost-effective way to check whether or not advertising content is likely to be in line with community standards across the wide range of social issues covered by the advertising Codes and Initiatives administered by Ad Standards. The service is available to all advertisers and requests for advice can be submitted online at Reminder about alcohol advertising A reminder to advertisers about the responsible advertising of alcohol, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure your ads align with current community standards on health and safety and are not promoting excessive consumption. This follows the latest report from the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) which showed complaints received about alcohol advertising doubled during the second quarter of the year. |