Editor's note

Having failed four times to get Congress to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, President Donald Trump is switching gears. Case Western Reserve University health finance professor J.B. Silvers warns, however, that the president’s first executive order intended to dismantle his predecessor’s landmark reform effort is unlikely to fix what ails Obamacare.

The United Nations will soon wind down its peacekeeping mission in Haiti after 13 years. Haitians aren’t sad to see it go: The U.N. has admitted that its soldiers introduced cholera to the island and sexually abused women. Now, a new documentary is revealing that peacekeepers also repeatedly used excess force during anti-gang raids, killing at least 25 unarmed civilians. British filmmakers Siobhan Wills and Cahal McLaughlin teamed up with Haitian scholar Ilionor Louis to tell the story.

And, finally, how could the United States – a country with over 300 million people – lose to Trinidad and Tobago, which has 1.3 million citizens, in soccer? As sociologist Rick Eckstein explains, a youth soccer system that doesn’t weed out the worst players but instead weeds out the poorest players is partially to blame.

Emily Schwartz Greco

Philanthropy and Nonprofits Editor

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