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Stayin' Strong newsletter Issue 46
Woman snapping cigarette in half space

The DDDD of quitting


Quitting smoking is not easy.  Ask any former smoker or someone who is trying to quit now.   

It's never impossible though.  

Katie Clift from Cancer Council Queensland says to have the best chance of quitting you have to know what you're up against.  

"Nicotine cravings can be quite common from the day you choose to quit smoking.

"Many people who have successfully kicked the habit developed some plan of action to beat the cravings," she said.

One such strategy is called the 4Ds.

  1. Delay acting on the urge to smoke.  In about 5 minutes the craving weakens;
  2. Deep breathe in and out repeatedly for three (3) times;
  3. Drink water and sip slowly; and
  4. Do something else like exercising or talking to someone

For more advice call Quitline on 13 7848 or visit here.

Image courtesty of gameanna at

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Get FAST for stroke victims

Emergency exit sign

When you think of strokes, you may believe it's a disease that affects only our elders.

In fact, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as young as 35 years of age have been known to experience strokes.  

Stroke happens when the blood flow to the brain is blocked by either a clot or rupture in the blood vessel. High blood pressure, smoking and obesity are some of the risk factors associated with stroke.

Stroke can lead to death or disability.  Spotting the onset of a stroke can help save lives.  That's where FAST comes in.

FAST is an acronym used to help detect and improve reaction to someone experiencing a stroke.

Listen to our radio message about it here.  

Learn more about stroke here.  

Image courtesy of artur84 at

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Keep kids safe around water


A cooling dip at the beach, pool or creek is just what you need to escape the summer heat.

Listen here for a timely reminder from Kid Safe Queensland about keeping an eye on your children around water.

Image courtesy of Sattva at

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About the project

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The Stayin' Strong project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.

Read more here.
