10 DECEMBER 2018 No Images? Click here ![]() Exciting things happened in 2018 at Unplanned Good ...![]() 1. Together with YOU, we've been busy spreading the word about adoption as a viable option for those facing unplanned pregnancy. ![]() 2. Thanks to donor support, we launched a new ad campaign on Facebook to reach the 40- and 50-somethings who influence our teen's decisions.
![]() 3. Not only that -- the FB ad campaign resulted in greatly increased web site traffic as measured in:
Each was up about 5 to 8X in November, compared to any of the first eight months of 2018. ![]() 4. We also support and encourage our friends at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics as they advocate for adoption. These cards are given to any patient willing to consider adoption so she can learn more by visiting unplannedgood.org There they read birthmothers' stories about making a loving adoption plan. ![]() 5. We continue to partner with our friends at BraveLove. We'll let you know when we have our next joint speaking engagement! ![]() 6. We buy subscriptions to some great resources, like the Adoptive Families on-demand webinars so that we can pass them on to you, and to others interested in advocating for open adoption as an option. ![]() 7. We continued to provide resources for our support group of couples facing infertility and/or hoping to adopt. Contact Terri for details, 408 656-1876. ![]() 8. We highlight the beauty of "open adoption" every chance we get. Those of you who know me, Terri, you know that this passion began with our own story of Sydney's birthmom and her adoption. ![]() 9. We participated in Compassion Immersion weekend again this year, (sponsored by San Jose's Westgate Church) where we give away all the Unplanned Good brochures and pencils we can! Christmas shopping on Amazon.com! ![]() 10. Now it's effortless to donate while shopping for the holidays on Amazon! Start at smile.amazon.com, shop as usual, and Amazon donates a small portion of your total spend to Unplanned Good. ![]() 11. We also go out and speak to groups about the beauty of "open adoption" every chance we get. Terri's early 'focus groups' found that teens really do think they must choose between abortion and parenting, and we want to put adoption on their radar! Please contact me if your school wants us to speak to the kids. ![]() 12. We are using social media more to connect with others and influence them to choose adoption! Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter and invite others to follow and learn more about adoption. Click on either of these links: Please join us as we work to change our society so that more women facing unplanned pregnancy choose adoption. Really, it's up to us. Why are we doing this?
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Thank you so much for your continued encouragement. |
We promote adoption as a positive option for those facing unplanned pregnancies. It can be so very good (and beautiful!) for all involved.
Unplanned Good is reaching out to both teens and their parents, to let them know that adoption is an option. Studies have shown that girls are 50% more likely to see their pregnancy through and make an adoption plan when an adult suggests this path.
Please visit our site, and encourage others to see it. Read the encouraging, heartfelt stories there. Send in your own story, and ask a friend to do the same.