Editor's note

South Africa will host the 10th BRICS Summit later this month. It’s an auspicious time for Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa to be meeting given the unpredictable and isolationist policies being pursued by US President Donald Trump. Danny Bradlow argues that the flux in global relations provides an opportunity for initiatives to emerge from the summit. He sets down what success might look like.

Two decades ago Lake Turkana in Kenya’s northern arid regions was declared a World Heritage Site for its unique wildlife breeding habitats and astonishing fossil records. But the lake and surrounding parks are under threat and have been placed on the World Heritage’s “In Danger” list. Sean Avery explains how both Ethiopia and Kenya are to blame. Ethiopia for developments on the Omo river and Kenya for failing to manage the parks properly.

Sibonelo Radebe

Business + Economy Editor

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How to judge the success of the BRICS summit? Three questions will do the trick

Danny Bradlow, University of Pretoria

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Central Island, the breeding ground of what was once the world’s largest population of Nile Crocodile. Sean Avery

How Ethiopia and Kenya have put a world heritage site in danger

Sean Avery, University of Leicester

Lake Turkana's status as a World Heritage Site hasn't protected it from environmental threats.

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